Pyramids : 2900 BCE : Egypt

Inventions Search Results

Years : 3,000 BCE to 2,000 BCE

41 Items listed

Generated : 23rd January 2025

[4000 BCE to 3000 BCE][2000 BCE to 1000 BCE]

3000 BCE Brick BuildingsEgypt
3000 BCE ButtonIndus Valley re-invented in Germany, 1235
3000 BCE CandlesEgypt
3000 BCE Cotton CultivationSouth America
Central America
3000 BCE GlassMiddle East in modern Syria, Lebanon
3000 BCE Oil Palm, Yam CultivationAfrica in West Africa
3000 BCE Potters WheelMesopotamia  
3000 BCE Reed BoatsEgypt
3000 BCE Standard WeightsEgypt  
3000 BCE Sundial (Simple Gnomon)Egypt a gnomon is an vertical stick
3000 BCE Use of BronzeMesopotamia used in armour
3000 BCE Use of CocaSouth America leaves chewed as a narcotic
2900 BCE City StructureSumeria administrative and residential sections
in Uruk (modern Iraq)
2900 BCE Pyramid BuildingsEgypt  
2800 BCE SickleSumeria for harvesting grain
2800 BCE SoapMesopotamia  
2700 BCE First Fire DrillChina ordered by Emperor Huang Ti
2601 BCE WillEgypt by Nik'ure, a pharaoh's son
wealth left to wife, children and mistress
2600 BCE MummificationEgypt to preserve dead bodies
2600 BCE RopeChina from hemp
2500 BCE DikesMesopotamia
Indus Valley
for water control
2500 BCE Domestication of CamelCentral Asia
Middle East
Bactrian camel in Central Asia
Drumadary camel in Arabian Peninsula
2500 BCE First LibrariesMesopotamia the storage and propagation of knowledge
2500 BCE InkEgypt
2500 BCE PapyrusEgypt for writing
2500 BCE Planned CitiesIndus Valley grid system for streets
2500 BCE SchoolsSumeria  
2500 BCE The Rounded ArchIndus Valley at Mohenjo Daro; re-invented by the Etruscans c 600 BC
2400 BCE First Judicial CodeMesopotamia by Uru Kagina, King of Lagash
2400 BCE Irrigation, CanalsSumeria
increase in food production, transport
2400 BCE Umbrella, ParasolMesopotamia originally to keep off the sun
2340 BCE Empire BuildingMesopotamia Sargon of Akkad, the first empire builder
maintained the first standing army
2300 BCE Map MakingMesopotamia  
2100 BCE Alcohol (Beer)Sumeria  
2000 BCE Glass ToolsAfrica Njoro River in East Africa
from black volcanic glass
2000 BCE Medical PrescriptionsSumeria recorded on stone tablets
2000 BCE ObeliskEgypt in Heliopolis (near modern Cairo)
2000 BCE Paved RoadsCrete by the Minoans
2000 BCE SanitationCrete by the Minoans
2000 BCE Underwater TunnelBabylonia under River Euphrates (modern day Iraq)
connecting king's palace with temple
2000 BCE Wooden LocksEgypt  

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[4000 BCE to 3000 BCE][2000 BCE to 1000 BCE]

Key Moments

This was the age of the great river civilisations of the Nile, Mesopotamia, the Indus as well as China. The first civilisation reached Europe (Crete).

The worship of the Sun began in Egypt c3000 BCE. Imhotep, the earliest engineer known by name, lived in northern Egypt around 2970 BCE. He is said to have built the Step Pyramid in Saqqara. The pyramids of Egypt feature in the writings of the Classical Greeks nearly 2000 years after they were built and still stand in the modern era. Around 2800 BCE, elaborate stone relief carvings were being made by the Egyptians. The "Book of the Dead" appeared around 2100 BCE.

The first libraries (centres of knowledge and study) were set up in Mesopotamia. The earliest poetry was produced in Sumeria around 2330 BCE, written by a high priestess called Enheduanna, daughter of Sargon of Akkad. The world's oldest story, "The Epic of Gilgamesh" appeared in Mesopotamia around 2200 BCE. It includes the first flood and ark story.

The city of Mundigak (modern Kandahar in Afghanistan) was founded c2900 BCE. Troy (modern Turkey) was first settled around 2500 BCE. The oldest known fortress was built in Shisur (modern Oman) around 2500 BCE; it was used until 1500.

The Chinese calendar has its start point in 2698 BCE. China recorded the earliest solar eclipse on 22 October 2137 BCE.

Between 2500 BCE and 2000 BCE a group of nomads left their homeland north of the Black Sea and began migrating West into Europe and East into Asia. These were the Indo-Europeans. The languages of their descendents would eventually dominate the world. By 2000 BCE the migrations had brought them into northern Italy via the Alps.

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[4000 BCE to 3000 BCE][2000 BCE to 1000 BCE]
