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Description |
Year Taken |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Clay tablet used in a school teaching hymns, local proverbs and mathematics (Old Babylonian era, 2003 - 1595 BCE) near Baghdad. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Clay tablet with mathematical text on astronomy from Uruk (Akkadian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
An important mathematics text describing the solution of equations with two unknowns from the Old Babylonian era (2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Akkadian tablet describing what would later be known as Pythagoras Theorem (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). From Tel Harmal. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone door stop with a woman's head (Nasariya, Old Babylonian, (2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone door stop in the shape of a turbanned worshipper (Larsa, Old Babylonian, (2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Marble claw of a griffin (Old Babylonian era, 1830 - 1600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Marble feet (Old Babylonian era, 1830 - 1600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Clay model of Enkidu, legendary friend of Sumerian king Gilgamesh, with a body of a bull (Ur, 2025 - 1763 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of Enkidu (Ur, 2025 - 1763 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Model of a zigurazt, a pyramidal structure developed by the Sumerians c2000 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Clay tablet containing trading information (Old Babylonian era, 2003 - 1595 BCE) from Baghdad. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Terracotta goddess (Old Babylonian era, 1830 - 1600 BCE) from Ur. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Terracotta goddess (Old Babylonian era, 1830 - 1600 BCE) from Tello. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Terracotta goddess (Old Babylonian era, 1830 - 1600 BCE) from Ur. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Decorated pottery figure from the Old Babylonian era (2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery child's toy in the shape of an ox (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery child's toy in the shape of a chicken (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Decorated pottery figure with two large naked women. Between them are two naked men carrying musical instruments (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery child's toy in the shape of an animal (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery child's toy in the shape of a bird (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery child's toy in the shape of an animal head (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery child's toy in the shape of a bird (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Seated deity called Enlil found in Nippur (Old Babylonian era, 1830 - 1600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Deity from the Old Babylonian era, 1830 - 1600 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Piece of pottery used in temple rituals (Old Babylonian era, 1830 - 1600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Deity with a large crown from the Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The deity, Ea (god of water) flanked by two men in fish skin (Old Babylonian era, 1830 - 1600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Vessel with human shape (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery in the shape of a ram (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery in the shape of a pig (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Carving of a snake on a rock (Old Babylonian era, 2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Relief from Abu Anteek (Old Babylonian era, 1830 - 1600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Relief of a man with a snake from Abu Anteek (Old Babylonian era, 1830 - 1600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Depiction of the godess, Ishtar (Ur, 1830 - 1600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Obelysk of white stone of King Dadusha from Tel Asmar (Eshnunna Kingdom, 1830 - 1760 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of a figure on the King Dadusha obelysk. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of a figure on the King Dadusha obelysk with a Babylonian Sun symbol. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Inscription on the King Dadusha obelysk telling of the king's victories on the Shahrazour Plain. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Model of Tel Harmal (Old Babylonian Period, 1830 - 1600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
One of the terracotta lions guarding the entrance to the ancient city of Tel Harmal (c1850 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of the first lion of Tel Harmal. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Second lion guarding the entrance to the ancient city of Tel Harmal. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of the second lion of Tel Harmal. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
A kudurru (boundary stone) from the Middle Babylonian Period (1500 - 1000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of frieze on a kudurru (boundary stone). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of frieze on a kudurru (boundary stone) showing a Babylonian Sun symbol and the god Sin. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery lion showing signs of having been painted (2004 - 1596 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Wall made from bricks carved into deities is part of a temple at Uruk. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of a temple at Uruk: The structure is dated during the reign of King Karandash (1445 - 1427 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of a temple at Uruk: The wavy lines are the Tigris and Euphrates. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of a temple at Uruk: Each face is different. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Lion from Al Ambar (2004 - 1595 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Headless lion from the Kassite era (1680 - 1157 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Incense burner with ram's head from Shamshara (2nd millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Incense burner from Bossmasion (2nd millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Limestone boundary stone from the Middle Babylonian Period (1500 - 1000 BCE) with the god Sin and the goddess Ishtar. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of limestone boundary stone showing the Babylonian Sun symbol and the crescent Moon. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Assyrian wing. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
An Iamassu is a winged bull with a human head. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The bearded human head of the bull symbolises wisdom. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The wings of the bull symbolise speed. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The bull symbolises strength. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Iamassus occur in pairs. These were found in the palace of King Ashur Nasir Pal III in Nimrud. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The human head of the bull. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Inscription on the Iamassu (Neo Assyrian Period, 911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Iamassus are unique to Mesopotamia. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Head of a pre-Assyrian king from Ashur (c2200 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Fragment of an alabaster wall carving showing King Sargon of Assyria hunting a lion with bow and arrow (Khorsabad, Neo Assyrian Period, 911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Fragment of an alabaster carving from Nimrud about King Ashur Nasir Pal II (883 - 859 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Flag base used in front of a temple in Nimrud. It mentions Assyrian King Tukulti Ninurta II (891 - 884 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Part of a marble panel depicting date palms (Nimrud, 911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Assyrian marble stele showing a king's head (Neo Assyrian). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
White marble stele showing Assyrian King Adad Nirari III (810 - 783 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
King Adad Nirari III's stele showing symbols of the gods. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
King Adad Nirari III's stele inscription describing the king's titles, his construction works and military achievements. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Marble pillars with a lion's head that flanked King Adad Nirari III's stele (Tel Ramah near modern day Mosul). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone wedges found in Assur, the home city of the Assyrians (911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Circular pottery found at Ashur. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Small Iamassu from Nimrud. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Feathers on the small Iamassu from Nimrud. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Rear part of the bull on the small Iamassu from Nimrud. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Girl's head with bitumen eyes (Ashur). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Man decorated with gold with an animal (Ashur). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Male figure from Ashur. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Winged figure from Ashur. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Lion head from Ashur. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Model of a winged bull from Ashur. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Head with agate for eyes (Ashur). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Relief of an Assyrian king found in Nimrud. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
A brick from Nimrud with a mountain goat drawing. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Dish for fruit (Nimrud). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Painted male head from Ashur. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze chariot from Nimrud (Neo Assyrian Period, 911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Assyrian tablet showing an animal headed deity with animals and snakes. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze axe head from Nimrud. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze figure from Ashur (Neo Assyrian Period, 911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Female statue with long robe (Neo Assyrian period, 911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone tablet with inscription about Assyrian King Adad Nerari II (911 - 891 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Glazed pottery from the Neo Assyrian Period (911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |