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Description |
Year Taken |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The head of King Shalmaneser from a statue found by the city walls of Nimrud. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Platform of the throne of King Shalmaneser. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The King Shalmaneser throne platform has reliefs around the base. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
King Shalmaneser (sheltered by a parasol) meeting a delegation from Urartu (from modern Eastern Turkey). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Urartu bringing the king of Assyria gifts. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
People bringing gifts to the king. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bringing food items to the king. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The king's warriors. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bringing sacks full of grain. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bringing gifts to the king. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Soldiers. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
A variety of gifts. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Urartu bringing horses to the king. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Parts of the Ishtar Gate from Babylon, one of the most important cities in Mesopotamia. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Mushussu is a creature with the body of a fish, the tail of a snake, the forepaws of a lion, the hind legs of an eagle, wings and the head of a dragon. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of the dragon head of the Mushussu. The creature represents the god Marduk who killed it and made it his servant. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Lion foreclaws and eagle hind legs of the Mushussu. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Auroch. The animal that was domesticated into modern cattle. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Head of the Auroch, an animal that represents the deity, Adad. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The lion. The Ishtar Gate is made from glazed bricks (New Babylonian Period, 612 - 539 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The lion represents the goddess, Ishtar (a forerunner of Aphrodite and Venus). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
A collection of terracotta pieces from the New Babylonian Period (626 - 539 BCE) found in Nippur, Babylon and Uruk. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
A collection of pottery found in Babylon (626 - 539 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze animals from Babylon. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze lion from Babylon. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Conical cuneiform texts remembering the life and works of Babylonian kings Nebuchadnezzar II (604 - 561 BCE) and Nabu Naid (555 - 539 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Alabaster statuette from Al Mugur from the New Babylon Period (626 - 539 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Example of a brick from the Neo Babylonian period (627 - 539 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze bird deity, Bazuzu thought to protect children from demons (Babylon). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Clay tablet inscribed with the Epic of Atrahasis which includes an account of a flood (Sippar, 627 - 539 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Glazed pot from Babylon (626 - 539 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Clay tablet inscribed with a Babylonian omen text (Sippar, 627 - 539 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Ivories Hall. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Ivory Hall contains ivory artefacts. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
A restored slab of ivory showing the god, Assur from Nimrud (Neo Assyrian Period, 911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory panel from Nimrud. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carving of an Egyptian sphynx with a woman's face (Nimrud). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carvings of two female heads (Nimrud). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory statue of a man praying (Nimrud, 911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory animal from Nimrud. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Delicately carved ivory from Nimrud (911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carving of a female praying. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carving of a cow with calf. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory decoration for furniture in the form of palm leaves. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
King Sargon ivory carving. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carving of an angel used as furniture covering. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Carved ivory depicting the Egyptian goddess Hathor (Nimrud). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of Hathor. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory angel inlaid with semi precious material. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Part of an ivory carved deer. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory items used for covering horses eyes. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carving of Egyptian figures from Nimrud (911 - 612 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory head with eyes inlaid with semi precious stones and wearing a collar of roses. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory comb handles. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carving of hunting. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carving showing Egyptians and Assyrians. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carving with Egyptian features (c720 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivories from Nimrud. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carving of a winged lion with a human head. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carving of a king. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ivory carving featuring a boat and Egyptian motifs. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Furniture panels. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pieces made from bone and ivory used as dolls, spindles and hair pins found in Babylon from the Seleucid period (312 BCE - 139). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pieces made from bone and ivory from the Parthian period (139 BCE - 226). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Hatra Room. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Hatra is an ancient city in Northern Iraq from the Greek Period. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Hatra dates from the Greek period after Alexander The Great. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Limestone statue of a military leader of Hatra from the Hellenistic Period (312 - 139 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The military leader is holding a statue of a deity (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The head is bearded and has a mustache. Many Hatra statues resemble Spanish Conquisterdors. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Panel from Hatra showing figures with Greek influence. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Figure with a war standard (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Figure holding a dagger to a ram with a snake behind (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The goddess, Al Lat next to a god stabbing a snake. Found in a temple in Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The goddess Al Lat sitting on a lion and holding a staff (Hatra, 312 - 139 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Man with a stabbed snake (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Woman on a camel. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Limestone statue of King Sinutruk of Hatra holding a palm leaf (symbol of royalty). Found in a temple (312 - 139 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Head of King Sinutruk (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Alabaster statue of a prince (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of clothing worn by a prince (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Head of a prince of Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Alabaster statue of Princess Abu Bint Jablo. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The upper part of Princes Abu Bint Jablo showing the Greek influence in the clothing. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Alabaster statue of a commander in the army of Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Statue of a naked Hercules holding a mace and a lion skin. Dated from the Hellenistic Period, 312 - 139 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Model of a temple with two figures (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Alabaster statue of a prince of Hatra with Aramaic writing (312 - 139 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Large bowl decorated with grapes from Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Money box made of marble from Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Figure with a halo from the Greek period (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Slab written in Aramaic and mentioning Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Highlight of the Hatra Room are the cornices. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The cornices feature a feast for the wedding of the king. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Musicians. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Statues from Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Statue of a knight with trousars, shirt and cloak. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Two seated deities from Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Hatra high priest, Nasru Mirria, on a sofa. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Typical statues of priests in front of a temple entrance from Hatra. |
2022 |