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Description |
Year Taken |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Animal pottery from the period 2800 - 2370 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pot decorated with the head of a ram and small birds from Kish (2600 - 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of a ram head on a pot. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of small birds on a pot. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Painted pot from Nineveh (2600 - 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Decorated jar (Nineveh, 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery from Nineveh (2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Black headless statue of Sumerian King Antamina found at Ur (2600 - 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Head of a Sumerian woman (Ur, c2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Head of a Sumerian priest decorated with lapiz lazuli (Ur, c2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Statue of a Sumerian priest from Diyala (c2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Partial figure of a man from Diyala (2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumerian deity from Khafaji (c2300 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone statue of a woman from the Diyala region (2600 - 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone statue of a Sumerian priest from the Diyala region (2600 - 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumerian deity from Diyala, 2370 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bearded man with a turban from the temple of Eshnunna. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Figure found at Nippur (2600 - 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
White limestone obelysk featuring the god of agriculture (Lagash, c2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The god, Abu (god of fertility) with eyes inlaid with shells and lapiz lazuli (2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The wife of the god, Abu (2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Part of a stone pot carved with animal mythology (Khafaji, c2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone bowl (c2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pot with snakes found in a Sumerian temple (2600 - 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Agate bowl. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Cornice from a temple to the goddess, Ninhursag (Tel Ubaid near Ur, c2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Carved stone found at Kish. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Copy of a statue of Dudu, a famous Sumerian scribe from Lagash (c2400 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Tablet which mentions Eannatum, a ruler of Lagash (2470 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Accounting tablet (Sumeria). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumerian tablet with two figures. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumerian carved tablet. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Carving of a lion attacking a deer. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumerian tablet with an animal headed deity. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Late Sumerian carved stone. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Late Sumerian carved stone. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Late Sumerian carved figures. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Harp found at Ur in the tomb of Princess Shapad (c2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of harp from Ur. The ox head is gold inlaid with shells and lapis lazuli. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
White limestone headless statue of King Illa from Ekizalki (2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Statue from Uruk (c2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bull head from a period when the Spring Equinox Sun was in Taurus (Temple of Ninhursag, 2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze bull head. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Minotaur-like head (Tel Ubaid, 2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Animals. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Axe heads from Ur (2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumerian handle. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Alabaster pot (Ur, 2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Burial of a Sumerian princess with her jewelry (Ur, 2450 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Alabaster pot (Ur, 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze statue from Khafaji (Tel Agrab, 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze statue of a man carrying a censor on his head (c2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze chariot with man holding a whip and four donkeys (Tel Agrab, 2600 BCE). This is one of the world's oldest vehicle figures. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze figures with pots (2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze statue from Khafaji (Tel Agrab, 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
A collection of head scepters (that fit on the end of a staff), Uruk (2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
One of the world's oldest board game. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Necklaces made from agate and lapis lazuli (Kish, 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Lapis lazuli is blue and comes from Afghanistan. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Silver boat found in the tomb of King Miskalamduk at Ur (c2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Jar from Ur (2600 - 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Copper cup from Ur (c2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Copper bucket from Ur (c2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Copper drinking vessel from Ur (c2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Copper cup with spout from Ur (c2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze ring topped by a donkey used at the front of carriages for the ropes connecting to the horses (Kish, 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze ring topped by an ox (Ur, 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze ring topped by a horse (Ur, 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bronze ring (Ur, 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Replica of the Sumerian ruler of Lagash (2144 - 2124 BCE). The original is in Paris. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Cup made from an ostrich egg (Ur, c2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ostrich egg container (Ur, c2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Decorated cup made from an ostrich egg (Ur, c2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Lamp decorated with a bull (Ur). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone bowl decorated with shells (from Ur). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Limestone bowl used for makeup and a necklace made with lapis lazili imported from Afghanistan (found at Nippur, c2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Old Babylonian and Akkadian room. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Bassetki Stone from Dohuk is the lower part of a statue of Akkadian King Naramsin (2260 - 2223 BCE). This piece was looted in 2003 and later recovered. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
A limestone stele from Abu Shija from the Akkadian period (2370 - 2200 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Akkadian seal from Ur (2370 - 2230 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Part of an alabaster stele showing soldiers escorting naked prisoners (Akkadian, 2370 - 2200 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Replica of a stele from Sumerian king Ur Nammu (2112 - 2095 BCE). The original is in the USA. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of the replica stele (King Ur Nammu). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Large red pottery bowl from Tel Asmar used for religious purposes. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Akkadian seal from Nippur (2370 - 2230 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Replica of a statue of an Akkadian king from Ashur (c2300 BCE). The original is in Berlin. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Figures from the Akkadian period (2370 - 2230 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery from the Akkadian period (2370 - 2230 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Akkadian seal from Kish (2370 - 2230 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail from the Akkadian seal from Kish. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery lion head dated from the Third Dynasty of Ur (2112 - 2004 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone weight in the shape of a swan (Ur, 2112 - 2004 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Statue of the goddess, Bao, flanked by geese (Ur, 2050 - 1950 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Akkadian statue carrying a jar. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of an Akkadian statue carrying a jar. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Tablet dated to the time of King Gudea (2144 - 2124 BCE) from Ur. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery cone inscribed with the names of temple builders in Ur (c1924 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Brick inscription mentioning the name of Akkadian king, Kali Sharri (2254 - 2230 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Akkadian statue from Ur. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Tablet with cuneiform inscription about economic issues (Akkadian Ur, 2112 - 2004 BCE). |
2022 |