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Description |
Year Taken |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Limestone carvings of three female deities standing over a lion. The central figure is Al Lat in the shape of Greek goddess, Athena. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The god Ashur Bel of Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Sun god, Shamash below the head and necklace of Ashur Bel. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Two eagles and a girl at the feet of Ashur Bel (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
One of two eagles at the feet of Ashur Bel (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Head of a priest wearing a tall skull cap. Found in a temple in Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Statues from Hatra resemble Spanish Conquistodors. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The god Barmarin in front of a sun and moon (Hatra, 312 - 139 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sarcophagos made from glazed ceramic from Kakzu (near Kirkuk), 2nd century BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of glazed decoration from the Kakzu sarcophagos. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sarcophagos, 2nd century BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Glazed sarcophagos (Kakzu). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
King Sinutruk I and his standard (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Prince Abdu Samia of Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Upper detail of Prince Abdu Samia. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Lower detail of Prince Abdu Samia. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Grecian style statue of Abu Bint Dimeon, wife of King Sinutruk (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The statue is very detailed. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Folds of the statue's dress. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The consort's feet and dress. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone statue of Hormuz (Hermes in Greek, Mercury in Latin) with wings on his head and feet (from Nineveh, 2nd century BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Head of the winged Hormuz. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Glazed sarcophagos from the Parthian Period (139 BCE - 226). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of the glazed Parthian sarcophagos. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Head of a priest from the late Hatra period (50 BCE - 241). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Head of the Roman Emperor Trajan (98 - 117) from the Great Temple at Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Water jar from Seleucia (139 BCE - 226). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Drinking vessel used in rituals from the Greek city of Seleucia (1st millenium). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Urchin shaped pottery from Nippur (Parthian, 39 BCE - 226). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery found in Hatra and Seleucia from the Parthian and Hellenic eras (139 BCE - 241). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Glass figure of a horse carrying cylinders on its back (Seleucia, a Greek city south of Baghdad). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Figure with a halo from the Greek period (Hatra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Decorated stele from Hatra. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Catapault from the Hellenic Period (Hatra, 312 - 139 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Plan of the ancient city of Hatra. Parts were destroyed by ISIS. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The Islamic Arts Room. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Glass flasks from Abu Kippur (Sassanid Period, 226 - 637). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
3rd century decorated gypsum from Diyala region during the Sassanid (Persian) era. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Islamic exhibits after the Muslim conquest in 651. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Mesopotamia has been under Muslim rule from 651. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Niche from the 8th century from the Al Khaski Mosque. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Perfume bottle from the early Islamic era. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Mosque lamp. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Perfume bottle and silver jewelry. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Geometric decorations from the Islamic era (8th century) from the Baghdad region. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sundial from Samarra (9th century). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Gypsum window (9th century). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Decorated jar from the 9th century. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Mythological creatures decorating an 9th century Abbasid jar. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
10th century jar with women. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Jar with decoration. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Large jar from Tikrit, 10th century. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Large jar from the 10th century with human figures. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of an Abbasid jar showing a lion and a ram. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Decorated jar from Sharqat (10th century). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Copper tool for pouring oil (Anat, 11th century). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Mimbar (pulpit) from the Great Mosque of Amadiya (1146). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of the Great Mosque of Amadiya mimbar. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of the Great Mosque of Amadiya mimbar. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Carved door from the Great Mosque of Amadiya (1146). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
12th century archway from Sinjar. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of the 12th century Sinjar archway. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Carved decoration from a mosque. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Niche from the Al Nouri Mosque (12th century). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Glazed tiles from a 12th century mausoleum. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
12th century Abbasid jar. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Glazed pottery from the Abbasid era (Kufa, 12th century). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The wooden shrine of Imam Musa bin Jaafar Al-Khadim (1227). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of an Islamic prayer. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Carved panel. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Carved inlaid wooden door from a mosque. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Prayer niche from a mosque. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Marble door from a Mosul mausoleum, 13th century. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Niche from the tomb of Benjh Ali in Mosul (13th century). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of the niche from the Benjh Ali tomb. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Carving from Tikrit (birthplace of Saladin and Saddam Husein), 13th century. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Al Marjanya Hall, a reconstructed school from 1356. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone container for ablution water (Mosul, 14th century). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Gray marble slab from Mosul, 15th century. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of Arabic prayer. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Salman Pak is a small village South of Baghdad named after a companion of the Prophet. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
The countryside around the village. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Dust storm approaching. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Taxi and driver. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Mazgouf - grilled fish. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Mosque of the Barber |
The Mosque of the Barber is behind a security wall. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Mosque of the Barber |
The mosque is dedicated to Salman Pak, the barber of the Prophet. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
The city of Ctesiphon dates from the Persian era. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
Taq Kasra is the only surviving above ground structure from the ancient Persian city of Ctesiphon. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
The structure dates from the 6th century. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
The city was captured by Arabs in 637 and became a mosque. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
The structure was a throne room of a palace and has excellent brickwork. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
The upper levels. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
Decorated brickwork. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
Two archways. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
The site is closed (2022) while renovation is being carried out. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
Giant butress. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
One of the two wings of what was once a Persian palace. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
The brick arch in 29m high and 1m thick at the top. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Salman Pak |
Ctesiphon |
Taq Kasra |
The arch gets thicker as it approaches the ground becoming 7m wide at the base. |
2022 |