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Description |
Year Taken |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Statue of Nabu, god of wisdom found in the Assyrian capital (8th century BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The museum covers nearly 10,000 years of history in Mesopotamia. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Map of Iraq's archeological sites. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The museum was looted during the USA invasion of 2003 and was closed for many years. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
The prehistoric period. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Obsidian items from 8000 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Carved stone human and animal heads from near the city of Nineveh (c8000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sickle made from toothed flint fixed to a wooden handle with bitumen (5000 BCE, Nineveh region). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pot with a woman's face (Tepe Gawra close to Nineveh, c5000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Tray used for husking seeds (Eridu, 5000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone vessel from southern Iraq (5000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Plate painted with bird motifs (5th millenium BCE, Samarra). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Marble cup with beads found in a child's grave near Samarra (5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Oval shaped pottery vessel containing the bones of a new born baby (Tel Sawwan near Samarra (5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery and beads found in a child's grave near Samarra (5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery and beads found in a child's grave near Samarra (5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Marble cup found in a child's grave near Samarra (5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Wax marble figure from Tel Sawwan Samarra (5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Marble cup with beads found in a child's grave near Samarra (5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Items found in a child's grave near Samarra (5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Vessel used for funeral rituals (Tel Sawwan, Samarra, 5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone figure (Tel Sawwan, Samarra, 5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery head (Tel Sawwan, Samarra, 5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
White human figure with folded arms (Tel Sawwan, Samarra, 5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
White human figure (Tel Sawwan, Samarra, 5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone human figure (Tel Sawwan, Samarra, 5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone figure (Tel Sawwan, Samarra, 5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Female figure (Tel Sawwan, Samarra, 5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Human figure with an inlaid eye (Tel Sawwan, Samarra, 5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone figure (Tel Sawwan, Samarra, 5th millenium BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Ritual bowl from Yarim (4500 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of the paint work on a ritual bowl from Yarim. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Jar in the shape of a woman (c4500 BCE, Yarim). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bowl painted with birds and geometric patterns (c4500 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Painted vessel from Tel Soongoor (c4000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Vessel from Tel Soongoor (detail of the painted geometric patterns). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Animal pottery used for rituals from Yarim, near Nineveh, c4000 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bowl with deer figures and painted flowers, Nineveh region c4000 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pot painted with geometric patterns from Nineveh, c4000 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery from northern Mesopotamia (c4000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Stone bowl from northern Mesopotamia (c4000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bowl with a series of lines (c4000 BCE) from northern Iraq. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Decorated pot from Tel Fara in southern Iraq (4000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pot from Tel Hassuna (c4000 BCE, Nineveh). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Seals were used for identification from the 4th millenium BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Black basalt lion from Eridu, 3rd millenium BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery from Tel Uqair (Southern Iraq) dating from c3500 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Figure of a woman breast feeding a baby with traces of tar (from Ur, 3500 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Vessel with a spout from Northern Mesopotamia (3500 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Clay figure from Ur or Eridu (c3500 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Tablet with cuneiform writing (Khafaji, 3000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Tablet with cuneiform writing (Uruk, 3000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Clay tablet with cuneiform writing (Uruk, 3000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Basalt (volcanic) stone carved with a lion hunting scene (city of Uruk, also known as Warka, c2900 BCE - early Sumerian). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
White limestone pot carved with a procession found in the early Sumerian city of Uruk (c2900 BCE). This was looted during 2003 and returned. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of animals and crops. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of priests with offerings. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of the upper carvings. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Tablet with early Sumerian writing (3000 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Face of a Sumerian woman made from marble from Uruk, 2900 BCE. This piece had been looted and later returned. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Jars and pots found in the early Sumerian city of Uruk (Warka), c2900 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery from Kish (2900 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pot with geometric paintings from Kish, 2900 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Early Sumerian bowl (Tel Namil, 2900 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bowl from Tel Namil (2900 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pot with spout from Tel Namil (2900 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Cup from Tel Namil painted in red and black (2900 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bird pottery from the period 2800 - 2370 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Part of the wall of the palace at Uruk decorated with coloured pottery mosaics (2900 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Statue of a priest found in the Temple of Eshnunna, Diyala (2800 - 2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Detail of a priest (Temple of Eshnunna, 2800 - 2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Clay tablet with cuneiform writing (Uruk, 2800 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Priest (Temple of Eshnunna, 2800 - 2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Tablet for economic record (Uruk 2800 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Animal head with semi-precious stones for eyes (2800 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Amulet for protection from evil (2800 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Limestone amulet. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Animal images made from lapis lazuli and limestone (2800 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Early Sumerian board game (c2800 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Cylindrical seal. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery boat from Ur. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Example of a brick from the Sumerian period (2800 - 2370 BCE) with inscription by the builders. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery with blue painting from Tel Uqair (2800 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery from Imsehli near Nineveh (2800 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pottery from Imsehli near Nineveh (2800 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Bald headed priest (c 2730 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumarian woman from Tel Agrab (c2730 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Jar painted with animals and plants (Tel Abu Qasim, 2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Pot painted with animals and plants (Tel Abu Qasim, 2600 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Green translucient statue of a woman with a gold head from Nippur (2600 - 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumerian prince with shells for eyes (Aridu, 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Statues of a couple from Diyala (2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumerian figures (2600 - 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumerian priest (2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Female Sumerian goddess found in Khafaji, c2300 BCE. |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Limestone figure of a Sumerian prince (Aridu, 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Statue of a Sumerian woman found in Diyala (Early Dynastic Period, 2600 - 2370 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumerian deities can be male or female and are shown with hands on chest (2300 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Sumerian deity with lapiz lazulai around the eyes (c2300 BCE). |
2022 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
Iraq Museum |
Wagon made up from three pots found in the temple of the god Sin at Khafaji (c2370 BCE). |
2022 |