Country |
Province State |
Region |
City Town |
District |
Site OR Event |
Click to View |
Description |
Year Taken |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Temple of the Warriors |
A chacmul, used to hold sacrificial objects like hearts. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Temple of the Warriors |
View of the Group of 1000 Columns from the top of the pyramid. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Temple of the Warriors |
Snake pillars. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Temple of the Warriors |
A copy of the main temple at the Toltec capital of Tula. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Temple of the Warriors |
Chacmul overlooking El Castillo. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Temple of the Warriors |
Eagle and jaguar eating human hearts. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Temple of the Warriors |
Carved jaguar. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Platform of Venus |
The Platform of Venus is at the edge of the forest. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Platform of Venus |
The temple has Toltec influence. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Platform of Venus |
Kulkulkan, the serpent headed god with his tongue hanging out. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
The southern group of temples are older and more Mayan in style. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Images of Chac, the Mayan rain god. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Observatory |
The Observatory was used for observing Venus. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Observatory |
The circular dome is unusual in Mayan architecture. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Observatory |
Carved deities. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Observatory |
Carved head. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
The Mayan style Temple of the Deer. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Akab Dzib |
Akab Dzib is a temple for Zamma, the Sun god, dating from the 2nd century. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Akab Dzib |
Priest performing a ceremony with a vase between Mayan glyphs beneath a lintel. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
One of the many small Toltec temples at the site. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Many temples are being reclaimed by the rain forest. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Mayan style brick work. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Buildings with the rain god, Chac. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Mayan style arch. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
The Multi Room Palace is covered in detailed stonework. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Unexcavated temple. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Las Monjas. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Unexcavated Toltec serpent balustrade. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Image of Chac, the Mayan rain god. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Temple of the Carved Panels |
The Temple of the Carved Panels. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Temple of the Carved Panels |
The interior. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Platform of Jaguars and Eagles |
Platform of Jaguars and Eagles. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Platform of Jaguars and Eagles |
Platform base with carvings of eagles and jaguars. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Platform of Jaguars and Eagles |
Snake god. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Platform of Jaguars and Eagles |
Carved relief. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Platform of Jaguars and Eagles |
Eagle eating a human heart. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
The Nunnery. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
The Nunnery was once a royal palace. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Sacred Cenote |
The Sacred Cenote is a 60m wide and 35m deep well. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Chichen Itza |
Sacred Cenote |
Gold and jade from as far as Colombia has been excavated from the waters of this vast well. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Uxmal is a spectacular Mayan site set in rainforest. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Uxmal was the capital of the Mayan region between 600 and 900. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Pyramid of the Magician |
The elliptical Pyramid of the Magician. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Pyramid of the Magician |
The elliptical pyramid is unusual in Mexico. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Pyramid of the Magician |
The pyramid is 39m high and is topped with a temple. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Pyramid of the Magician |
A steep staircase reaches the temple. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Pyramid of the Magician |
The temple. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Pyramid of the Magician |
View of the pyramid from the foot of the structure. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Pyramid of the Magician |
The pyramid is covered with stucco mosaics. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Pyramid of the Magician |
The stucco mosaics are in Puuc style which is pure Mayan. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Pyramid of the Magician |
View from the top of the pyramid. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
The Nunnery Quadrangle is the largest complex at Uxmal. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
The entrance. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
The Mayan arch leads into the complex. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
The mosaic covered wall of the inner couryard. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
The complex contains 74 rooms. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Puuc mosaics. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Uxmal is famous for its Puuc mosaics which cover the buildings. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Chac, the Mayan god of rain. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
The East building. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Mosaic face. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Carved wall. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Mosaic of serpents. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Serpents, a central Mexico influence. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Mosaic masks on a corner. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Stone carved figures. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Floral patterns and serpents. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Wall mosaics of Chac, the Mayan god of rain. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
Detail of a wall mosaic. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Nunnery Quadrangle |
View of the corner of the quadrangle. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
A ball court with the stone ring used as a goal. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
The unusual House of the Doves. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Governor's Palace |
The Governor's Palace is 100m long. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Governor's Palace |
The palace is a riot of stucco architecture. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Governor's Palace |
Geometric patterns and carved figures. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Governor's Palace |
Geometric patterns and Chac masks. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Governor's Palace |
Geometric patterns over the entrance arch. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
House of Turtles |
The House of Turtles. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
House of Turtles |
Stone turtle. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
House of Turtles |
The columns. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
View of the temple. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Great Pyramid |
The Great Pyramid is 72m high. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Great Pyramid |
Detail of mosaic on the pyramid walls. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Great Pyramid |
Bird relief. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Wall made of rectangular stone accurately fitted together. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Geometrically carved stone wall. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Unexcavated pyramid. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Bat on the ruins. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Uxmal |
Lizard among the ruins. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Loltun Caves |
The Loltun Caves have been inhabited for over 2500 years. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Loltun Caves |
Stalectites. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Loltun Caves |
Remains of extinct animals like mammoth have been found in the caves. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Loltun Caves |
An Olmec head. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Loltun Caves |
Early Mayan wall paintings. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Loltun Caves |
Rock pillars. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Loltun Caves |
The enormous Cathedral Cave. |
1991 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Kabah |
The Mayan Puuc style site of Kabah flourished between the 7th and 11th centuries. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Kabah |
Palace of Masks |
The Palace of Masks is in Mayan Puuc style. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Kabah |
Palace of Masks |
The facade of the palace is covered with 300 masks of Chac, the Mayan rain god. |
1995 |
Mexico |
Yucatan |
Kabah |
Palace of Masks |
Detail of a wall with Chac masks. |
1995 |