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Description |
Year Taken |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Palace of 100 Columns |
Lions and flowers. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Palace of 100 Columns |
Carved head. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Palace of 100 Columns |
View from the palace to the hillside tomb of Artaxerxes II. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Palace of 100 Columns |
Eagle griffins topping a column. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Family. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Site Museum |
The former harem has been converted into a museum. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Site Museum |
Burnt fabric from the fire that destroyed Persepolis. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Site Museum |
Bronze trumpet used for heralding visitors. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Site Museum |
Horn shaped ceramic drinking vessel. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Site Museum |
Water pipes made of clay. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Site Museum |
Mortar and pestle. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Site Museum |
Spear heads. |
2010 |
Iran |
Persepolis |
Site Museum |
Jar with animal heads. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rajab |
Naqsh-e Rajab is a collection of Sassanian reliefs. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rajab |
The site dates from the 3rd century. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rajab |
The Sassanian reliefs are carved into the rock. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rajab |
The Zoroastrian deity, Ahura Mazda (left) giving the halo of light to the first king of the Sasinid Dynastry, Ardashir. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rajab |
Faded carved figure. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Naqsh-e Rostam is the site of the rock carved tombs of four Persian kings. It is 5km from Persepolis. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Darius I Tomb |
The tomb of Darius I (died 486 BCE) is the oldest at Naqsh-e Rostam. The later tombs plus the ones at Persepolis were modelled on this. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Darius I Tomb |
Victory of Bahram II (274 - 294). |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Triumph of Shaper I |
The Triumph of Shaper I is a Sassanian carving near the tomb of Darius I. It shows the capture of the Roman Emperor, Valerian in 260 at Edessa (the modern Urfa in Turkey). |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Triumph of Shaper I |
Detail showing the Roman Emperor, Valerian kneeling before the Persian king's horse. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Sassanian carvings showing Narse (294 - 302), the king of Armenia being crowned. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Xerxes Tomb |
The tomb of Xerxes (died 465 BCE) sits at right angles to other tombs at Naqsh-e Rostam. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Xerxes Tomb |
Carvings above the tomb including the Zoroastrian symbol and the king supported by representitives of the 28 subject nations. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Xerxes Tomb |
Detail of the representatives of the subject nations. Their interlocking arms signify the unity of nations. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Xerxes Tomb |
The entrance to the tomb is decorated with columns topped with double bulls. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
The tombs of Darius II and Artaxerxes I. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
The Equestrian Victory of Hormozd II (302 - 309) below the tomb of Artaxerxes I. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Darius II Tomb |
The tomb of Darius II (died 405 BCE) with a Sassanian carving of Hormozd II (died 309). |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Darius II Tomb |
Detail from the tomb. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
The Kaba Zartosht dates from the 5th century BCE and is thought to be a fire temple. |
2010 |
Iran |
Naqsh-e Rostam |
Desert flower. |
2010 |