Country |
Province State |
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City Town |
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Description |
Year Taken |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Horse and cart. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
The city is famous for its variety of architecture. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Three children. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Former mosque. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Motorbike outside a house. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Arches. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Grave markers. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Tomb of Qayt-Be |
The Tomb of Qayt-Bey was built in 1474. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Tomb of Qayt-Be |
The interior of the Tomb of Qayt-Bey. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Tomb of Qayt-Be |
Stained glass windows in the Tomb of Qayt-Bey. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Mosque and tombs sit side by side in the district. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Street scene. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
People live in the city. Most arrived from outside Cairo. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
A collection of tombs. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Carved and decorated dome. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Small street. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
The edge of the city. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Market cart. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
City of the Dead |
Delapidated tomb in the City of the Dead. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
The Citadel dominates the old city. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
The Citadel was built by Saladin in 1171. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
The walls are 1km long. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
The entrance. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
The Citadel has been added to by many invaders. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
Mosque of Mohammed Ali |
The Ottoman style Mosque of Mohammed Ali (1857) overlooks Cairo from the citadel. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
Mosque of Mohammed Ali |
Detail of the mosque. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
Mosque of Mohammed Ali |
The Ottoman style thin minaret. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
Mosque of Mohammed Ali |
A school party. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
Mosque of Mohammed Ali |
Fountain. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
Mosque of Mohammed Ali |
The interior. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
Mosque of Mohammed Ali |
The French clocktower. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
The citadel with a French clocktower beyond the mosque of Mohammed Ali. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
View from the Citadel. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Citadel |
View of Cairo. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Sarcophagos from the Old Kingdom (2613 to 2131 BCE). |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Men Kaure with the goddess, Hathor. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Relief featuring animals. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Wooden model (c 2500 BCE). |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Wooden model of a female with kohl makeup (c 2500 BCE). |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Ka-Aper, a wooden figure from Saqqara. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Limestone sculpture from the Old Kingdom. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
The dwarf Seneb and his family, from Giza. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Wooden panel from Saqqara. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Painted relief from the burial chamber of Harhopte. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
The Geese of Maydum dates from 2900 BCE and is painted on plaster from the tomb of Nefermaat. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Painted limestone statues of Rahotep and Nefert. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Detail of King Rahotep. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Painted limestone model of Nefert (c2723 BCE), wife of king Rahotep. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Nubian stele from c 300 BCE. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Limestone carvings of figures. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Limestone tomb painting. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Carved relief of Senusert II (c 1870 BCE). |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Hapi, the Nile god. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Stele by Tuthmosis I (c 1520 BCE). |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Statue of Tuthmosis III (c 1450 BCE). |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Painted burial chamber of Tuthmosis III. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Granite sphynx (Merneptah, c 1230 BCE). |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Many pharoes and their wives are represented by granite statues. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Mummy found in the large Saqqara necropolis, near Cairo. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Mumified animals. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Mumiform sarcophagus. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Detailed statuettes of mummies and sarcophagi. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Papyrus with Aramaic writing found at Elephantine Island and dating from the 6th century BCE. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Statuettes of Ptah. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
A stele from the time of Snefuru (c 2600 BCE). |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Wooden boat from the Dashur Pyramid (c 1800 BCE), a symbol of the journey to the afterlife. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
The only known statue of Khufu (died 2566 BCE), the builder of the Great Pyramid. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
The three storeyed Cairo Museum has one of the world's largest collections of ancient Egyptian artefacts. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Ramesses II protected by Set and Horus. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Outer sarcophagus of Psusennes I with the sky goddess on the inside of the lid. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Pyramidon of Merenre (c 2200 BCE). |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Limestone staues of Amenhotem III, Queen Tiy and their daughter (c 1400 BCE). |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Steles and wall carvings with images and heiroglyphic writing are very common. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Khafre (died 2532 BCE) and his family, occupant of Egypt's second largest pyramid. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Statue of King Menkanre who died in 2503 BCE. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Sphinx of Qureen Hatshepsut (died 1482 BCE). |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
The treasures of Tutankhamun were found in four gilded wood shrines. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
The tomb was one of the few not to have been robbed until its discovery in 1922. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Gilded statue of Tutankhamun who ascended the throne at the age of 9. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
The sceptre of Tutankhamun with his name cartouches in the centre. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Gilded statue of Tutankhamun hunting. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
The main throne is made of gilded wood decorated in faience, glass, stones, gold and silver. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Throne decorated with precious stones and ivory. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Lion figure on the main throne. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
The back rest on the main throne shows the king seated with the queen offering him a vase. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Statue of Tutankhamun. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
The Book of the Dead (with the cartouche of Tutankhamun) on the outside of one of four gilded wood shrines. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Funerary scene on a gilded wood shrine. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Statuette of the god, Sopdu. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
The death mask of Tutankhamun is the highlight of the Cairo Museum. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
The reverse of Tutankhamun's death mask. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Jewelry with the evil eye. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Amulet with a winged goddess. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Statuette of the god, Neter-Ankh. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
The top of the outer coffin. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Detail of the outer coffin. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
The inner coffin is made of solid gold. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Gold minature coffins containing viscera. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Part of a pectoral. |
1986 |
Egypt |
Cairo |
Cairo Museum |
Treasures of Tutankhamun |
Perfume box. |
1986 |