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Description |
Year Taken |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
The Italian built former railway station. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Girl at a juice stand. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Running a music stall. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Film poster in Amharic, the Ethiopian language with its own script. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Clothes shop in the Piasa district. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
A bar in the entertainment district of the city. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Taitu Hotel |
The Taitu Hotel is the oldest in the city and was founded by a former queen. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Taitu Hotel |
The interior of the hotel. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
Man loading chickens onto a van in Merkato, the busy Saturday market. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
The Merkato is the largest market in Africa. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
Selling sugar cane. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
Selling and working with wood. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
Bananas. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
Shoppers. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
The clothes bazaar. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
A donkey train. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
Clothes dummies. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
Selling souveneers. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
Orthodox church in the Merkato. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
A pilgrim in a market church. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Merkato |
People in the market. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
The Lion of Judah, symbol of the Ethiopian monarchy. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Three people at the bus station. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Churchill Avenue. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Waiter serving a traditional Ethiopian Injra and wat in a basket. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Man eating Injera (bread made from tef) and wat (a spicy vegetable sauce). |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
The octagonal Cathedral of St George dates from 1910. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
The cathedral is topped by a typical Ethiopian cross. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
A group of pilgrims in the church grounds. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Turbanned man. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Young woman. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Three seated women. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Man with walking stick. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Two women under a tree. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Two girls. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Pilgrims and a monk. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Man in the church grounds. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Man at prayer. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
People at a shrine. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Tortoises in the cathedral grounds. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
St George's Cathedral has a small museum containing many religious artifacts. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Painting of Queen Taitu in the church museum. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Ceremonial umbrella. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Illuminated Bible. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Silver hand held cross typical of Ethiopia. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Bible written in Ge'ez, the liturgical language of Ethiopia. Proper names are writen in red. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Incense burner used by the priest in church. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Wooden carving of St George and the dragon. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Coronation robes. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Water pourer. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
St George's Cathedral |
Personal incense burners. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Injera with vegetables. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Statue of Menelik II. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Reading newspapers. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Ethnological Museum |
The Ethnological Museum housed in a former palace of Haile Selassie. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Ethnological Museum |
The bedroom of Haile Selassie. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Ethnological Museum |
Portrait of Haile Selassie next to a bullet hole from the 1960 coup. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Ethnological Museum |
Wooden waka, burial carvings of the Konso people. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Ethnological Museum |
Icon showing the martydom of St George painted in 1755. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Ethnological Museum |
The Passion of Christ, an icon painted around 1740. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
The University gardens. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
A Masked Weaver creating a nest near the University. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The Holy Trinity Cathedral. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The Belltower. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
Detail of carving on the Belltower. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
Tomb of a singer in the cemetary. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
Gravestone of Sylvia Pankhurst, a British sufferaget who supported Ethiopia when Italy invaded. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
A priest in the cathedral grounds. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The interior. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The throne of Emperor Haile Selassi. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
Mural of the crucifiction. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
A wall of Icons. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
Mural by Afewerk Tekle of the Holy Trinity with the four Evangelists as animals. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
Columns, icons and stained glass windows. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The Axamite style tomb of Haile Selassi (formerly Prince Ras Tafari). |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
Haile Selassi in Amharic script. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
Carving from Egypt. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
A tall icon. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
A monk with his cross. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The cathedral has many stained glass windows. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
Moses, one the stained glass windows depicting Old Testament scenes. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
King Solomon. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The Virgin Mary. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The Birth of Jesus. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The Baptism of Jesus. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The Crucifiction is one of the larger windows. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The Resurection. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
Holy Trinity Cathedral |
The Assension into heaven. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
People sitting under an acacia tree. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
An Orthodox church in the centre of the city. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
The Yekatit 12 Monument commemorating the thousands of Ethiopians killed by Italy in 1937. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
A vulture in the city centre. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
National Museum |
Bones of the 3.2 million years old Australopithicas Afarenses, or Lucy. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
National Museum |
Skull of an Australopithicas Afarenses child. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
National Museum |
Two million year old upper skull of Homo Habilis. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
National Museum |
Skull of a one million year old Homo Erectus. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
National Museum |
Clay dice. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
National Museum |
5th century BCE pre-Aksumite statue of a female. The script is the southern Arabian Sabeaean. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
National Museum |
Machines for making cotton thread. |
2011 |
Ethiopia |
Oromia |
Addis Ababa |
National Museum |
A drum. |
2011 |