Country |
Province State |
Region |
City Town |
District |
Site OR Event |
Click to View |
Description |
Year Taken |
Ecuador |
Southern Highlands |
The Andean highlands are fertile and dotted with villages and towns. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Southern Highlands |
The cloud-shrouded Southern Highlands. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Southern Highlands |
Fertile Andean valleys. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Southern Highlands |
A blanket of green. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Southern Highlands |
The foothills of the Andes. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
The Andean city of Cuenca is at 2530m. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
The Rio Tomebamba Valley runs through the city. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Cuenca was a Canyari city until conquered by the Incas. It was destroyed by the Spanish. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Street scene in the city centre. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Parque Caldereon is the main plazza. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
The main plaza in Cuenca. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
The blue domed cathedral dates from 1885. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Flower market. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Santo Domingo Church. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Ortega's Panama hat factory. The hats originated in Ecuador and were made famous during the building of the Panama Canal. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Church of San Fransisco. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Colonial architecture. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Museum of Arts |
Blouse from Ecuador. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Museum of Arts |
A Canyar belt maker. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Museum of Arts |
A Sarayacu pot from the Amazon. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Museum of Arts |
A Mapuche poncho from Chile is one of many items from the rest of the Americas. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Museum of Arts |
Lace place mat from Paraguay. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Museum of Arts |
Textile with quetzals from Guatemala. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Museum of Arts |
Embroidered Otomi carpet from Mexico. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Cuenca |
Museum of Arts |
Devil costume from Oruro (Bolivia). |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Gualacueo |
Gualacueo is a small Andean village with a Sunday market. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Gualacueo |
Woman at the Sunday market. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Gualacueo |
Vegetable seller. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Gualacueo |
Panama hats were first developed in this region. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Gualacueo |
Looking at pots. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Gualacueo |
Street scene on market day. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Gualacueo |
Street stall. Women from Gualacueo wear plain dresses embroidered at the hem. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Gualacueo |
Old woman. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Riobamba |
Riobamba is a colonial Andean town. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Riobamba |
Market day in Riobamba. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Riobamba |
Hat seller. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Riobamba |
Woman selling meat. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Riobamba |
Vegetable sellers in the market. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Riobamba |
Woman having a drink. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Riobamba |
Man and woman meeting. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Guayaquil |
Moorish architecture dating from 1770. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Guayaquil |
The River Guayas. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Guayaquil |
Land Iguana in the main square. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
The volcanic Galapagos Islands are five million years old. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
There are thirteen major islands, six small ones and many islets. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
The islands were discovered by a Panamanian bishop in 1535 after drifting off course. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Santa Cruz is the second largest of the islands (986 square km). |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Santa Cruz is the most populous of the islands. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Lava outcrop. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Charles Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands in 1835 and stayed for five weeks. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Saddle Backed Tortoise. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Head of a Saddle Backed Tortoise. The Galapagos are named after the iconic giant tortoises. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Opunti Cactus dominate the arid, volcanic landscape. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Mockingbirds are very common on the islands. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Lava Lizards have a red patch under their jaws when sexually active. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
View over the scrubland. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
A 1m long Land Iguana, one of two species of iguana on the Galapagos. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
A Marine Iguana, a species only found on the Galapagos. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Lava strewn coast line. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Puerto Ayora is the largest settlement on the Galapagos. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
The lush highlands of Santa Cruz. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Mata Zarno trees. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
One of a pair of volcanic craters called Los Gemelos, the Twins. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Black Necked Stilt. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Wimbrel. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Round Shelled Tortoises can weigh up to 250kg. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Head of a Round Shelled Tortoise, one of twelve species of giant tortoise on the islands. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Lava Gull. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Santa Cruz |
Sunset over Santa Cruz. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
Hood Island (61 square km) is the most southerly and oldest of the Galapagos Islands. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
Pelican on the bow of a sail boat. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
Swallow-tailed gull. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
A pair of mating Galapagos Hawks. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
Sea Lions are very common on Hood Island. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
Baby Sea Lion resting on rocks. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
The red colour of Marine Iguanas denotes sexual readiness. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
Marine Iguanas are the only reptile to eat sea plants. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
A pair of courting Blue Footed Boobies. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
A Blue Footed Booby. These birds are found all around the Pacific Ocean. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
A juvenile Blue Footed Booby lacks the blue feet and is brown. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
The distinctive shape of a Frigatebird. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
Lava cliff used by nesting sea birds. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
Masked Booby. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Hood |
Masked Booby mother and baby. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Isla Gardener. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
Floreana has an area of 173 square km and is one of the oldest of the Galapagos Islands. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
The Devil's Crown is an old volcanic crater. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
The Galapagos Penguin is the most northerly of the world's penguins. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
The distinctive shape of a Frigatebird. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
A brackish lagoon. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
Flamingos. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
Floreana is the sixth largest of the islands. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
Golden Coloured Mustard Rays just below the surface. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
Sally Lightfoot Crabs are common on the Galapagos Islands and in South America. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
Sally Lightfoot Crab camouflaged on the rock. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
A colony of Wimbrells. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
Yellow Warbler. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Floreana |
Lava Heron in a tree. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Jervis |
Jervis is one of the smaller islands. |
1995 |
Ecuador |
Galapagos Islands |
Jervis |
Beach area next to cliffs. |
1995 |