Readers' Feedback


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Generated : 27th July 2024


Napaporn Sutthiwan, Mahawanaram School, Thailand

Dear Sir.

Im a teacher in Thai primary school. I use Compass to One World (Imbert,Hazel and others. 1991) as the textbook in teaching. I have a problem about the name of the places that I dont know and I cant find out. So, I would like to get more details. Would you please tell me about

- the Winton Park
- the British Museum
- the Atonium (in Brussels)
- the Parthenon (in Greece)
- the Istanbul palace (in Turkey)

Thank you for your time

* * * * * * * * * * *

Dear editor.

I found the detail of British Museum from the Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia; British Museum is a national museum of antiquities etc. in Bloomsbury, London, occupying the site of Montagu House, which was acquired in 1753 to house the library and collections of Sir Hans Sloane and the Harleian manuscripts purchased with funds granted by Parliament.

Who is Sir Hans Sloane?
What important is the Harleian manuscripts?
Would you please give me for more knowledge?
Thank you for your kindness.

KryssTal Reply: Sawat dii (hello)

I do not know [Winton Park]

[The British Museum ] is a very large museum in London with historical artifacts from all over the world.

The Atonium should be Atomium

[The Parthenon] is the remains of a temple to Aphrodite

The Istanbul palace is called the Topkapi Palace

Dear Kryss.

Im very happy because of your mail, moreover, I really appreciate your leave taking: Sawat dii. Its wonderful that you know the Thai word(s). Grate! You have done it.

For a Thai teacher who is teaching in a small primary school, this makes me proud of myself. It shows that I really can contact with the native speaker by using the internet: the newest technology of my school.

Learning by doing is the best way of teaching. I will present this letter to my students; to emphasize them that English is the important language that they can use all over the world. And from now on, I hope they will be interested and love to study English.

Thank you very much and hope to see you next time.

KryssTal Reply: Thank you for your nice message (kop koon krap)


Derek Parent

Hi Kryss,

Enjoyed viewing your great photos. Especially the Latin American photos (i've not time to view all your images).

I've been to Zunil, Guatemala as well. Brings back memories.

I've also got a photo exhibit at the ArteMaya Tzu'tujil website. If you've got a chance have a look at my exhibits "Around Lago Atitlan" and "San Pedro La Laguna":

I've got other photos of Honduras' Mosquito Coast as well:

KryssTal Reply: I enjoyed your Atitlan photos - did you see Maximone in Santiago de Atitlan? I first went to Guatemala in 1991 after the Mexico eclipse and returned (with my wife) in 1994 after travelling from Chile (for yet another eclipse).

My favourite places in Honduras were the Bay Islands and Copan.

I actually found Panama was good value and fun - mainly because most tourists rush it. The Bocas Del Toro Islands are quiet and the wildlife easy to see.

In El Salvador, they interviewed us for their TV when they found out about our trip!

I enjoyed Nicaragua because of the lack of cars - horse carts are very common. And they kept playing the Beatles everywhere. Central America is small but very varied. In Latin America, the food gets better the further north you go!

Thanks for your comments about my photos.


Craig Tupper


I will be traveling to Nepal and India in November with my wife and we are intending to trek the same Everest route you completed in 1990 and described in your travelogue. We have read a number of internet travel diaries looking for more information than that on offer in the guidebooks and were hoping that you could answer a few questions about your trip - we found your site far more informative than many others and the route we had hoped to follow is very similar to yours. We are wondering...

what time of the year did you complete the trek?

KryssTal Reply: October / November

did you rent down jacket and sleeping bag in Kathmandu and what kind of quality is on offer?

KryssTal Reply: Yes - very good quality

what was the price for the rental?

KryssTal Reply: Not very high - Nepal is cheap

can down jackets and sleeping bags be rented in Namche?

KryssTal Reply: Yes but there is less choice

is a down jacket really necessary or will fleece and wind jacket suffice?

KryssTal Reply: Above 3500m, down is better.

did you book a Lukla flight on the way in to the Khumbu or can you simply show up?

KryssTal Reply: You need to put your name on the list on the way up. I was lucky enough to get a helicopter flight

we are planning to spend 2 weeks above Namche and hope to visit the 3 main valleys - if weather does not cooperate (planning to trek from mid Nov to mid Dec), which 1 area would you recommend?

KryssTal Reply: Follow my route - the Loboche and Gokyo Vallies.

any help you can offer will be much appreciated


Chilean Youth for Reconciliation

Dear Friend, this information Will be surely important for you, if you have interest in Justice:

In the twenty-five years since 1973 most of the world has been persuaded that Pinochet overthrow Allende's government in order to replace it with a fascist dictatorship.

The truth is different. The context of the military takeover has been forgotten or ignored. Chile under Allende has been brought to its knees. The Chilean Parliament asked the military to intervene. And, in reality, the subsequent war was between Chile's armed forces and foreign-inspired totalitarism.

KryssTal Reply: So it's everybody else's fault?

Pinochet stopped Allende from creating a Marxist dictatorship in Chile modelled on Castro's Cuba. Pinochet reversed economic catastrophe and brought prosperity to Chile. Pinochet brought back democracy to Chile. Pinochet started reconciliation in Chile.

KryssTal Reply: Allende was democratically elected, Pinochet wasn't.

During and after the Chilean civil war, 2279 soldiers, terrorists and civilians died. (In the Spanish civil war over one million died).

KryssTal Reply: If that were true it would be 2279 people too many. I suspect there were many more.

Most Chileans see Pinochet as a hero, some not. But, by 85%, they chose democratically to settle their differences ten years ago.

KryssTal Reply: Democratically? I don't think so. A number of decrees were produced to protect torturers from prosecution.

Why should a Spanish prosecutor be given the right by British Law Lords to overrule the democratic wish of the Chilean people and substitute recrimination for reconciliation?

KryssTal Reply: Spanish citizens were killed in Chile.

Senator Pinochet was arrested in Britain the evening October 16, At the same time, the Premier of Spain was clinking glasses with Fidel Castro.

KryssTal Reply: Irrelevant. If you wish to extradite Castro - do so, but his case is separate.

The British government is now holding Pinochet under house arrest. He is not allowed to go to church or even to step out into the front garden. Are we in Britain or Burma? Pinochet has not been found guilty of any crime, either in Britain or in Chile.

KryssTal Reply: He is on bail - not house arrest. He chooses to stay home because he knows a lot of enemies await him. He has had visits from an ex-Prime Minister and other supporters. He will not be tortured in Britain or have his family killed in from of him.

When you read this, do you get a sense of justice or prejudice?

KryssTal Reply: Prejudice and apologism from you.

Pinochet transformed Chile from being a country unable to feed itself into the most prosperous in South America, He brought back democracy. 85% of Chileans voted for reconciliation.

KryssTal Reply: A vote with a gun pointed at their heads.

Not many people know that. He gave us freedom, Now we demand freedom for him.

KryssTal Reply: The law will take its course.


Kevin Chaplin

Dear Kryss

You don't know me, but I had a look at your web page about your Trip to the Everest Region. It was great to read and you had some fantastic photographs.

KryssTal Reply: Thank you - that nepal trip still ranks highly in my travel experiences.

My girlfriend and are planning a trek in the Annapurna region and I know you have done the same (as mentioned on your page). I wonder if you could help me answer some questions we have.

When were you there? We are planning to go at the beginning of September and are a little concerned about the monsoon. Will it be over by then and is the Annapurna in the rain shadow anyway?

KryssTal Reply: I did the Everest trek in October-November and the Annapurna trek in November-December.

It's best to avoid the monsoon if you don't like leeches and clouds. The best season are October to December for clear skies and great views and March to April for the flowers.

Secondly, I am concerned about crossing 5000m, we are going to be at that altitude for a day and I was wondering what special cold weather gear we would need if any. I realise the weather is warmer during the monsoon, but will we be ok with fleece tops and rain jackets, or should we hire down jackets (if so, can we pick these up on the route, or should we get them in Kathmandu).

KryssTal Reply: For 5000m get down jackets and goggles. I don't recommend you go to 5000m as a day trip. Acclimatise properly when trekking and take longer if necessary. Gear can be hired from Kathmandu or Pokhara.

Sorry to surprise you like this, but I would love to know anything I can before we head off to Nepal.

Thanks for any info

KryssTal Reply: Good luck and enjoy the trek.


John Zelasney

Please forward any information you have on travel to Paraguay to me.

Thank you.

KryssTal Reply: Paraguay is very nice. Check out the craft villages around the capital - some excellent buys to be had. A good guide book is the Lonely Planet book "Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay".

If you go, you should cross into nearby Argentina and visit the great Iguazu Falls.


Andrew Binns

Dear Kryss

I like your site and wonder if you would be kind enough to set up a link to our site which has a large photo gallery on Nepal and Tibet Golden Hill Travel - treks and tours throughout the Himalayas.

KryssTal Reply: I have added your logo to the page below and would appreciate a mention on your links page. Thanks, or "dhanyabad" as they say in Nepal.


Rick Green

Dear Kryss,

I have created an adventure travel site that I'm intending to start by covering Nepal. It is meant to be a comprehensive resource for people to plan, prepare for, book, and discuss trips. It includes a community section where people can publish their travelogs.

I came across your travelog while surfing the Web and wonder if you would like join our community? This can simply be to publish your travelog on Adventurocity, or you can get more involved through discussion groups and offering critiques of the various products and services you used on your trip. There is no cost involved and you won't be under any obligation to do or buy anything. The copyright to your material also remains with you.

I have coded the pages of your travelog into the Adventurocity interface for you to see how it would appear on the site. You can view it by going to

I would also be happy to put a profile page at the end of the travelog where people can see a bio and picture of you. Please let me know what you think. If you are not satisfied with this, I'll be happy to remove the pages.

You may wonder why I don't put a link to your pages that are already online. The main reason is that I want to have all the site's resources readily available to people through its navigation. As soon as someone leaves Adventurocity, they no longer have this convenience. In setting the travelogs up this way, I believe I can also save you the time and expense of having to worry about maintaining and promoting these pages yourself. Rather you can simply enjoy the discussion your travelog generates.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you'll join us.

KryssTal Reply: I loved it - your setup brought my tale to life.


Ruby Anderson


I'm from Australia. I just stumbled across your trip to Everest and thoroughly enjoyed sharing it. I am keeping it bookmarked for a friend of mine to share when she holidays with me in January. She reckons she almost knows all the area as she reads everything she can lay her hands on about the mountains and the climbers.

Hope to enjoy more of your travels.

Cheers, Robyn

KryssTal Reply: Thank you for your kind comments - the Indian subcontinent is my favourite part of the world. Nepal is very special.


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