Readers' Feedback


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Generated : 27th April 2024



great website.

i loved your physics and astronomy pages (found 'em via then moved on to enjoy "biblical contradictions" and "the acts of democracy". fyi, i live in the united states and loathe the administration. i'm sure you realize that the separation between the will of the people and the acts of the government are VAST. i've come to believe that our government's primary purpose is to preserve itself, neatly summarized in the HL Menken quote on your site.

my only complaint about your site is the political pages lack balance. i have email friends from around the world, and we've concluded that "everywhere is fucked up" (to put in plainly). it would be nice to see pages talking about problems with socialism, communism; the torah and the qoran. i concede that the USA is the most visible nation and ergo its problems are subject to more scrutiny and discussion -- and it being the alledeged last "superpower" _should_ demand that it acts fairly and wisely (unfortunately this is obviously not the case) -- but i'll also wager that any other any other nation in the same position would have the similar problems. it's like i explained to some peta advocate that was complaining about dimishing large animal habitats: "i agree it is disturbing and sad, but if deer had the ability to convert the continent to grassy woodlands, i'm sure they would". anyway, i ramble. my original point is that i feel it would be more constructive to show "we've all got problems -- let's work as a collective to make this world a better place" as opposed to selective finger-pointing. lord knows our government doesn't need much of an excuse to get on the defensive (and "there's no defense like a good offense" so they say.)

i close with a quote from Ralph Nader, whom i voted for in the last election:

"The USA should be actively waging world peace".

KryssTal Reply: Thank you for your kind comments.

I fully realise that the American people and government are two different things. That works in the UK also. I voted for Tony Blair after 19 years of Conservative government and I am not being represented.

You are quite right that I haven't got ant Communist or Muslim violations. there are two reason for this. Firstly. It's bad enough keeping the West's violations up to date on my web site. Secondly, the other violations are covered regularly in the Western media and are generally known about.

My pages often get called anti-American or anti-Semitic. They are not. They are anti-injustice perpetrated by countries that call themselves "civilised" or democratic. Thank you for writing.

You are correct that the US media does plenty of anywhere-else bashing, but to me I figure it's about 50% fact 50% propaganda. I think the whole Iraq situation is "weapons of mass distraction" for the current administration -- as much fueled by oilman greed as a method of diverting attention from the plunging economy and other real issues.

Again, I think that the United States has a responsibility to be honest and fair because of its position in the world, and criticism should be used constructively. Unfortunately it is too easy (and tempting) to fall into a defensive position complete with reverse finger-pointing. *sigh*.

On to other topics, I wanted to ask you your opinion about the recently unveiled theory that the expansion of the universe is expanding. I didn't find the evidence to be completely convincing myself, but could easily perceive this being in the case. In fact, what do you think of the idea that due to the curvature of space-time that the universe may in fact actually be collapsing ... outward. If the shape of our universe is comparable to a toroid, wouldn't it be possible that after a certain point of expansion the forces from the "opposite side" would be stronger than from the original center? This is my own idea I came up with, although I'm sure it's been thought of before (and perhaps already shown to be not the case). I just haven't ran into anyone lately with the capacity or interest to discuss the possibility.


Megan Grant

Dear KryssTal,

WOW! I received an email this morning that's "going around" about Profiling in the US, listing various shocking events blamed on "Muslim male extremists" (attached for your interest). I was so incensed that I leapt into Google and typed in "invasions by the USA" and the first link given was yours: Why USA?

It is extraordinary - I have been browsing through it and the rest of your site for the past hour. Wonderful stuff. I am an Australian working in Saudi Arabia, by the way, and was here through the Gulf crisis in 1990/91 - as you can imagine, we are all very anxious about the current terror being waged by Bush II & Co.

On this subject, you might like to read an excellent article written by one of the most senior executives in the history of my company that was published widely, and ultimately in CounterPunch.

Those of us who have spent many years working in this part of the world feel the same way. The marginalising and demonising of the Arabs for political ends is truly offensive.

I am sure you have access to just about everything on the Internet, but just in case you have not seen it, here is an excellent site for your edification:

I look forward to researching KryssTal at length. A great find - thank you.


KryssTal Reply: Shukran,

Thank you for your links - I will peruse them.


Steve Stone

Read this article by a Kurdish Muslim. Interesting how the Islamic world has be quiet on what he says.

Saddam's Muslim supporters. Ismail Kamandar, Kurdish Observer, September 13, 02

The Speech of George Bush before the General Assembly September 12, which was mainly dedicated to the behavior of the Iraqi regime and the crimes it has commited in the past and is still commiting, gives a clear picture of America going after Saddam Hussein.

In response to this, the moderate King Abdullah warns President Bush not to remove the dictator Saddam Hussein, because it will open a pandora's box. "His Majesty is dead right. If Saddam was replaced by a federated democracy, then these Arab kings, Emirs, and corrupt undemocratic goverments, together with there state controlled media will be thrown into the ashes of history.

The fact that the Arabs are now more vociferous in there opposition to Bush's plan to attack Iraq, is because they want Saddam Hussein to remain in power. There are happy with dictators because they themselves are dictators like Saddam. They are afraid that any regime change which is sponsored by the U.S and Britain, will inevitably lead to a stable Iraqi democratic regime, exactly as America did with Japan after WW2. The Arab rulers do not want this to happen, especially the billionaire Sheikh rulers. Given the autocratic, dictatorial and often fascist and anti democratic nature all of Arab regimes, that are afraid of the domino effect, which will be triggered by the democratic regime change in Iraq.

Astonishingly almost all Arab media - from TV to press to websites - are variously owned by Arab dictators, desports, medieval Kings/ Sheikhs or corrupt undemocratic goverments. They feed there populations with half truths and upsurd conspiracy theories, like the Jews were behind the World Trade Center bombing on Sep 11th, or the Jews were behind the Egyptian plane crash in Oct 1999.

How often have we heard Arafat and other Arab leaders complain, that the few million Palestinians are the only nation without a country, blithely ignoring the 30 million Kurds who've been for the last century wanting there own homeland. The Palestinians were offered a state by Barak with Jerusalem as there Capital. Barak offered the Palestinians a state, something no Arab country ever did. Arafat responds to this offer, by starting a terrorist war against civilians. Since the war Arafat started in September 2000, 2000 Palestinians have been killed and 650 Israelis killed. But in Halabja Kurdistan, 5000 Kurds were gassed to death within 5 minutes - A Shocking crime by Iraq.

In Saddam's Anfal mass killing against the Kurds, 5000 villages were destroyed and 200,000 Kurdish civilians were murdered. The Whole Kurdish area was turned into shrines of mass graves, which stands as a witness to one the most horrific acts in human history. What was the Arab and Islamic world's reaction to this? Silence! Not a word of protest! These same hypocrits who whine about the Palestinians, were no where to be found, when Saddam gassed the Kurds.

The present American leadership and Saddam Hussein are in agreement over two things. They are both against a Kurdish state and both favor a Palestinian state.

If George Orwell were alive, I supposed he would have told the Hapless Kurds, "The Palestinians are more equal then you. So what is the trick? How could we Kurds become more equal like the Palestinians Should we start blowing up pizzeria's, disco's, school buses and Passover observations to gain world attention. Thank God, the Kurds haven't taken this route. And personally, I pray they never chose the route of deliberately killing civilians. The Palestinians could have a state tommorow if they stop killing Israeli civilians. When did Iraq, Turkey or Iran ever offer the Kurds a state? Never.

Most people know about the Kurdish oppression in Turkey and Iraq, but people dont know about the Kurds in Syria. Over 2 million Kurds have lived for centuries in Syria. The Kurds of Syria compose 8 to 14 percent of Syria's population. The Kurds of Syria are subjected to horrible oppression by the Assad regime. The Kurds are not allowed to be citizens and there barred from traveling outside of Syria. In a 1996 report, Human Rights Watch said that Syria had a policy in Northwestern Syria, to identify people who were not Arabs. The group is divided into 175,000 people, classified as "foreigners" and 75,000 termed maktoumeen, meaning "unregistered." The former are issued red identity documents, which prevent them from owning land, practicing certain professions, receiving food subsidies, being admitted to public hospitals, or having legally recognized marriages to Syrian citizens. The latter are issued no documents at all. Maktoumeen are the children (grandchildren, etc.) of "foreigners," including foreigners who marry women who are Syrian citizens. Their ethnic identity is denied and there has been an ongoing Arabization campaign of Kurdish areas within Syria, in which Kurdish families are expelled from there land and Arab families are given this land. If your saying this sounds like Aparthied, your right" Yet where is the Islamic world's outrage over this! It is tragic that the people of the world have not been more aware of the situation in all portions of Kurdistan, and of the ordeal suffered by the Kurdish people, as well as the steps of progress for Kurdish culture taken in spite of all this oppression.

KryssTal Reply: Thank you for your interesting email.

Just a few points.

For most of the life of Sadaam, the West (including the USA and UK) supported him and failed to condemn his human rights violations. It is only when he disobeyed that he suddenly became "the butcher of Baghdad". The same happened with Noriega in Panama and Ho Chi Min in Vietnam.

As you correctly say. most of the Arab regimes are dictatorships. Many are supported by the West. One reason that they do not wish to see Iraq bombed is because these regimes do not reflect their own public opinion when they support the USA. They are worried that bombing Iraq will create problems amongst their populations and overthrow them. Most think Sadaam is a trouble maker and would like to see the back of him.

Do you really believe that the USA wants to put a democratic regime in place? The prime reason that the USA and UK want to attack Iraq is to get hold of the second largest oil fields in the world. A democracy would be OK but any obedient regime would suit the West. Saudi Arabia (with the largest oil fields!) is a brutal totalitarian state but a (mostly) obedient Western ally - no media complaints about its human rights record, are there?

The goings on in Iraq or with the Kurds do not affect the rights of the Palestinians. I think you are quoting Israeli propaganda about the Barak offer. The United Nations has a resolution that says that the West Bank and Gaza belong to the Palestinians and should be handed back. Israel are required by law to do this. This is 22% of historical Palestine. The PLO have accepted this. Israel wanted to keep 100 or so (illegal) settlements (or colonies would be a better word) plus their access roads, in these territories. This would not be a viable state and was not acceptable to the Palestinians. The Israeli propaganda is propagated by the Western media.

The fate of the poor Kurds depends on where they live. In Iraq, Sadaam is the West's enemy so the West wants to protect them. Turkey is a NATO country so the genocide and ethnic cleansing there is quietly allowed to continue with little media coverage or complaint. Even the Kurdish language was banned for years and the Kurds were referred to as "Mountain Turks". The Kurds in Syria are simply being ignored. Syria has no oil and is not an ally. The Kurdish situation is one of the great tragedies of our times and needs resolving.


Alex Blumin


I disagree with you about Israel occupation of Palestine. This opinion belong to Russian Communist Propaganda.

I am Jewish from Russia, live in USA since 1994. Arabs have land area around the Asia and Africa 107 times more than Israel now! There are about 25 Arab countries here! But that is not good enough for them, they want land in Yugoslavia, they want land in East Africa and they want Israel to be destroyed in order to get all land! This land-Judea, Israel is belong to us-Jewish people, we were here 5000 years ago and this land became called Palestine only after Rome -Israel War in 67 A.D. because we lost, Romans won and they renamed our land in favor our old enimies Filistines (Greek People, who also lived here).

Arabs occupied our jewish land in Arab Halifat War in 7 Century, but we were there any way. So, who is the Occupant?

And how many more land they want? If you so love them-give them piece of USA. If you have no proper knowledge do not write at all.

KryssTal Reply: Hello,

If your proposal is to return people back to their positions in 67 AD, you would have to leave the USA and give it back to the Apache, Cree, Hopi, Sioux, etc. After all, there are dozens of English speaking countries for you to go to but none that speak the above languages.

Seriously, my pages get many supportive emails; the only non-supportive ones I get are from USA people telling me I'm wrong about Israel. Many are abusive. One said that the land was empty before the creation of the State of Israel. I asked them who the Crusaders were fighting.

I am happy to publish your comments.

Dear KryssTal Webmaster! Let's talk about The International Law.

#1 Do you know that State of Israel was Legally created by United Nations Resolution in May 1948?

#2 Do you know that Arab countries: Egypt, Jordan,Syria, Lebanon, Iraq were disagreed with that and on the very after day Israel was created Legally by UN -They brought their arab divisions with tanks, heavy artillery, and thousands of soldiers against young new State, which even didn't have Regular Army at all???

What can you argue about that? And do you understand that United Nations Resolution is The Legal Law on that planet, called Earth? (By the way , what is your nationality and what is your country?)

KryssTal Reply: Hello Alex (Shalom / Dobre Utro ??)

The United Nations resolutions call for a two state solution. If that is implemented, the Palestinians would get 22% of mandate Palestine. It seems Israel does not want to give even this.

The UN also calls for Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders, allow refugees to return, not to build settlements and not to exile civilian populations. Collective punishments also violate the UN charter and the Geneva Conventions. And yes, this too is legal on this planet. Justice is needed in the Middle East, otherwise there will not be peace.

Like the USA government, you appear only to want to see UN resolutions selectively.

My country is UK and my nationality is British.

Hello, my Dear British-Greek friend! Would you please be so kind to read this website, link is here. This website was created not by me, but others ,who know what does it mean-ISLAM. Sincerely your friend forever , jewish man from USA, Alexander Blumin.

Anti Jihad

KryssTal Reply: Hello there,

I agree with you about Islamic fundamentalism being bad. The site that you pointed me to has many good examples. But I go further and say that all fundamentalism is bad: Christian, Jewish, Hindu. Each of these religions has done harm to non-believers:

Christianity in Northern Ireland, The Catholics and the Incas and Aztects, the West's imperialism in Africa, the genocide of Native Americans. Judaism in its treatment of Palestinians. The Hindu fundamentalists' destruction of mosques and attacks on Muslims. etc.

We're all as bad. Demonising one group (Muslims) above all others is part of that.

Please read this website: below, there is no Israel involved, but Muslims just killed innocent people of India!!! What do they might want form Indian People? India does not belong to them for SURE. They already cut their parts as Pakistan!!! And Bangladesh!!! Next will be Island of Kipr and UK.

KryssTal Reply: Well, Muslim Kashmir is occupied by Hindu India. Muslim Chechnya by Christian Russia, Muslim Bosnia was attacked by Christian Serbs (Miind you, Orthodox Christian Serbs killed lots of Catholic Christian Croats as well). Muslim Turks attack and kill Muslim Kurds. Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.

You appear to be anti-Muslim. But in fact, no single religious group has a monopoly on human rights violations or suffering. Why are you only looking for Muslim human rights violations?

My web site has many human rights violations from everywhere on the planet.

Hello, Mr.KryssTal! We do consider you as educated man, but you need more knowledge on written subject, so please read this webpage:

which is made by Man from India (not Israel) Sincerely your fiend from USA.

KryssTal Reply: Thank you.

Who is "we"? I note that pictures of the World Trade Centre is included. I thought the hijackers were mostly Saudis rather than Palestinians. I'm sure you meant "friend" rather than "fiend".

The photos are of course terrible but you forgot the Israeli army's killing of Palestinians including children.


Hi, yes it is friend(not fiend), I was born in Ukraine,so can make some mistakes.

I feel you might be related some how to Arabs, but I do not consider all Arabs as enemies-but Religion, which teaches to kill All Not-believers is Religion of Evil ! KryssTal, I was reading Hindu websites 2 days! I must say I even couldn't imaging what I have found in it!!! About Hindu History,Culture, Science, Medicine,Algebra,Astronomy-I didn't know ,that Arab Al-Biruni wasn't original Arab at all,but was Iranian, who simply wrote in Arabic! And Al-Horezmi too! And Arab numbers were not Arabs at all, but Hindu's, Arabs just simply translated Hindu Arithmetic Manuscripts ,after conquering North of India!I didn't know that Hindu Religion is and was tolerant to all World religions, before Islam came, I didn't know that Arabs were worshiping Hindu Gods in Arabia , before Islam!

You are terribly wrong by equaling all religions, and please don't use communist's methods of common words, as all fighting sides are wrong! Those ,who defend themselves from being killed-and gotten to the sea are right!No matter what are their believes.

And, Kryss, strictly speaking, I am sure we have or Must have International Law, saying : "Those Religions or Worships or Believes ,whish call for killing and/or harming other's Religion's People Must be Banned forever from the surface of The Earth! May be your partner is Arab, so if he is Honest man , he can read Koran page by page and show us Truth: Does Koran ask to kill all Not-Believers? (As Turks do in 17-18-19 Centuries)

I don't think (or nor sure at least) that my Religion was Original one, cause I do believe Jews got a lot from Hindu and Assyrians. But do sure that Islam was NOT Original at all, cause Muhammad was trying to combine Judaism & Christianity together, and he hated Hindu's Gods, that is why He (and after him) banned all sculptures and images, which were richly drawn in Hindu's Temples. And Kryss, you are partly Greek, don't you feel pain for Island of Kipr, been divided ,because of Muslim Turkey? We just must have International Commission to Check Koran and to make decision about that ,ones and for All! There is NO Even Single Arab or Muslim Democratic Country in the whole World! Don't you agree on that? (Turkey just trying to be one)

KryssTal Reply: Hello again,

Yes, you are correct that Arabs were worshipping images before Islam came along. Yes, Hindus are generally more tolerant of other peoples' religions, although the current BJP government of India is a nasty fundamentalist one which has provoked lots of problems in what was once a tolerant country.

The Arabs do not have a democratic country. After the First World War, UK and France cut up the Arab territories into more manageable blocks and put in place kings to rule the country protecting Western interests. Some of these kings were removed by popular governments; others developed nasty dictatorships that were supported and financed by the West (especially the USA). Saudi Arabia looks after the oil for the West so it is considered an ally even though it is a totalitarian state: 70% of its arms come from the USA. Its population would like to free but that would not suit the West. Iraq is also a dictatorship. It was backed by the USA until 1990 (when it was killing its Kurds with gas supplied by Western companies).

If you read my pages you will see I mention Turkey's treatment of Greeks and Kurds in its own country. I also criticise the Greek treatment of Roma people. The fact that I am Greek does not affect me pointing out violations by the democratic countries. Turkey has USA bases and is supported by the USA even though it oppresses its own Kurds.

Thank you for writing.

Hello, Kryss! Finally I have got Truth from you! Yes, I agree with each and every word you wrote in here, including UK,USA and France. But those countries do have Democracy, therefore some Hope for Future Better changes, which we cannot expect from The East Muslim World.

Sincerely your friend, Alex Blumin, jewish man from USA. (We do remember that BirthPlace of First World Democracy was Acient Greece)


Rick May

Please stop your whining about the civilians killed in the U.S. bombings in Afghanistan. We were attacked first by that country and we had more civilians killed for "no" reason. It is our right to defend ourselves against terrorist. Get with America or get out!! I volunteered to defend the U.S, have you?

KryssTal Reply: The USA was not attacked by Afghanistan.

The people who did those dreadful things in the USA were mainly Saudi dissidents. The Afghans had no elections with which to select their government therefore had nothing to do with the crimes committed against you or their government's shielding of Al Quaida. More Afghan civilians have now died there than in the USA. Retaliating against innocent people will only make you more enemies.

I will not be defending the USA because I am not a citizen of your fine country; neither do I live there. I live in the UK. You have assumed that the WORLD Wide web is a USA phenomenon only.


Richard Sanders, Coordinator,
Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)
(A network of individuals and NGOs across Canada and around the world)


just wanted to send a quick note to say what a great site you have created! Great stuff. I've been looking at the huge historical timeline and it is a great summary of important events so often overlooked. I wish this could become "common knowledge". Perhaps eventually it will.

A few things you might want to add (in your spare time!) are the Bush family links to bankrolling Hitler, the connections between many US multimillionaires to European fascism, the attempted fascist coup in the US 1934, the history of US wars and inverventions prior to WWI, and stuff on the weapons trade.

I don't mean this as a criticism. One can't do everything!! You are great people!!


KryssTal Reply: Hello there,

Thank you for your kind comments. As you so rightly say, I can't do everything. I have put a cut off from World War II for this reason. I'll check out your site and perhaps add a link. Good luck.



Your denial of the right of Israeli’s to protect themselves against suicide bombings (by seeking out the perpetrators and their supporters in their bases) and your gullible acceptance of the so called human rights agendas of organisations such as Amnesty disqualifies you from being regarded as an honest commentator. It is clear that if you were in power you would be just as likely to commit all the errors, sins and wrongful acts you attribute to the democracies. It is also clear that you are prejudiced and do not consider or publicise in a balanced way.

KryssTal Reply: Thank you for your comments.

Israel is violating international law with its illegal settlements built on confiscated land. It is a heavily armed state that is oppressing a lightly armed people. I do not condone suicide bombings but the vast majority of the violence comes from the Israeli occupation of large parts of Palestinian land. Without a just solution to this problem there is unlikely to be peace in the region. There are two peoples in this region and both deserve dignity and human rights.


Herb O. Buckland


As a person living in the U.S., I must take exception with some of the statistics you report on your page involving the opinions of citizens with respect to government policies, etc...

Obviously the statistics you use are those distortions of reality perpetrated by government-aligned statisticians who intentionally manufacture results which are used to show that the American public is behind its government. This is just plain non-sense. There are hundreds of thousands of us in America who are well aware of the disgusting policies and activities of the U.S. government and various organizations. Democracy in America is well-known to be a sham and disgrace.

When the attacks of September 11th took place, Americans were saddened by the fact that so many innocent people were killed, but were outraged (in silence) that the terrorists didn't kill the crooks in the White House, Corporate America, and Congress. You give any one of thousands of American people the means to get rid of the "War Oriented" Bush Administration by way of nuclear, chemical, or biological processes, and they will be most happy to rid the world of these degenerates.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans know that the Bush Administration is a double-dealing, back-stabbing, two-faced, operation of crooks who robbed the American public of an honest Presidential election, and is in bed with various Corporate entities for the sole purpose of attempting to create a world that is consistent with their antiquated notions of good and evil. In other words, the U.S. government is out-of-step with the reality in which the rest of the world has long ago least to some degree.

No less, there are hundreds of government opposition groups in America as well as ordinary everyday citizens that realize they live in a society based upon a shameful representation of "Freedom." It is also widely realized and accepted that we need a new form of government because the social experiment called Democracy does not work. But neither does socialism, communism, kings/queens, or any form of religious philosophy. It is also realized that the U.S. government must be overthrown...not merely by changing those in office, but by establishing a fundamental change in the underlying social philosophy.

However, in so doing, it is felt that all governments, all religions, all systems of education must all be affected in a like manner. Yet, we can not have a better society if we don't attempt to influence the development of better humans who are best able to take full advantage of an improved form of government. This is why true Democracy is not practiced anywhere in the world...because there is a recurrence of primitive thinking people being born...among them are those in the Bush Administration, the FBI, the CIA, and NSA. It is this reason, (amongst several), which direct the thoughts of people towards the adoption of a serious large-scale form of eugenics program. Without efforts at improving the human species, there is no need for a better form of government if we simply permit the haphazard route of nature to breed only a handful of individuals who are best suited to making the most of an improved form of social self-governance.

In short, we Americans know well that we need a Revolution on a scale not seen since the French Revolution. Passing laws, putting people in prison, and adding new amendments will not help in the massive restructuring that needs to take place throughout America, because such activities only assist in perpetuating the very same government structure so many of us deplore.

So many Americans know that the U.S. government is a disgusting entity that needs to be dramatically changed on a scale which will help to forever remove the ability of people who think like the Bush Administration to gain political advantage. They all need to be killed. You know it and thousands of Americans know it. Relying on elections or the Justice system won't help because elections in America are a sham, and the Justice system is a double-standard hypocrisy. And it is needless to say that thousands of Americans are well aware of the U.S. media's farcical coverage of social events. Millions of Americans are greatly suspicious of under-the-table dealings taking place amongst Corporate America, the Government, and the Media. We know we do not have a voice in government. We know that historians color the truth under the guise of patriotism. We know these things and we don't like them. Yet we also know that in order to make necessary "real" change, the old-fashioned form of protesting will not work, because all it does is keep the same form of government being run by another idiot who takes the place of the idiot that the protests got rid of. We know that words such as Diversity and Globalization are modern forms of slavery perpetrated by Corporations in order to make it socially acceptable for them to make a larger profit by being able to pay lower wages from a larger pool of people.

Thousands of Americans agree with the views of those in Asia, Africa, and Europe, not to mention Latin America. We too are disgusted by the U.S. government policies which do more harm than good. We too are disgusted when we see American Corporations being able to pay a fine for criminal activity...and yet not have to claim culpability for any wrong doing, while any ordinary citizen committing a similar crime on a smaller scale is given a long-term prison sentence and all their life's holdings are confiscated by the State to be used by the State. We are disgusted when we find out that a State Treasury Office is investing in the stocks of a company from which it received the initial award for damages, such as the State Treasury Office in Utah investing money in the stocks of the very same Tobacco companies it had received from the Tobacco Industry as an award for all the people whose health was ruined, yet the people themselves were never actually compensated above and beyond mere medical treatment.

If the people of the World are so disgusted with the American Government, Corporations, and Media as are so many thousands of Americans themselves, than by all means, PLEASE HELP US get rid of the problems. Send your terrorist organizations not to kill innocent people, but to irradicate those organizations and individuals who continue to make life so miserable for all of us. We all deserve a better way of life. This is why I have started a web page called Cenocracy. It is a new perspective of social self-governance based upon a much broader appreciation of life's 1- 2- 3 based multi-faceted processes.

My webpage can be found at:

The contents page can be found at:



David J. Newland

Hi. I am in the process of writing down all my various and sundry madcap ideas, as well as personal whines, regarding this country that I live in, the USA. I was researching Sabra and Chatilla, just to refresh my memory, when I hit your site. I like it.

I am not a firm supporter of either side. I believe Israel is wrong in how it treats the Palestinians, but I do not think that the attacks on civilians by the Palestinians is OK, either. If the Palestinians could figure out how to wage a bloodless war, it would be great, but I realize that won't happen.

I to am disgusted with the confiscatory actions of the Israeli government. I also found your refutations of the arguments proposed in support of the Israeli government to be quite illuminating, as far as historical perspective goes. I do have one question for you, however.

In the past (middle ages), the Arabian culture was the repository of knowledge handed down from the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, and they respected all beliefs. What happened? Why is it that now the nations of Islam, (which comes from the Arabic word meaning peace) seem to be completely warped and geared only toward hatred and destruction? What happened, and is there a way, in your opinion, to reverse this trend?

One of the things that I believe the US should do is to hold all nations up to the same standards that we are supposed to believe in, which are laid down in our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. WIll it be possible to bring peace as well as understanding to the Mideast if we apply the rights outlined in those documents evenly, to all nations? What say you?

Thanks, and I like your site.

KryssTal Reply: Hi there,

Thank you for your kind comments.

I agree that Palestinians would benefit from a non-violent resistance (like Mandela or Ghandi). Let's not forget the Western media however. Yesterday I saw one UK paper with headline photos of dead Israelis in a cafe after a suicide bomber had struck. The details of the dead were given - ages, relationships, etc. Today, a small paragraph in the middle of the paper mentioned, in passing, the death of 23 Palestinians - no names or details.

Islam itself and Muslim countries are often distorted by the Western media.

I have travelled to about a dozen Islamic countries and they are all as different to each other as Western countries.

Syria for example is politically a one party dictatorship like Saudi Arabia (our allies, a so-called "moderate state"). Culturally Syria is very free with Christians, Armenians, Kurds and others all living as they wish. Turkey is another ally - but politically very limited - elections are held with opposition members being imprisoned. Socially, Turkey is very secular (ie non religious). However, Kurdish culture is oppressed and banned. Saudi Arabia itself is culturally similar to Afghanistan under the Taliban - very intolerant. In Indonesia you wouldn't know you were in a Muslim country most of the time!

We don't say Christianity is oppressive just because abortion and evolution are banned in certain states in the USA, do we?

As for democracy, Iran had it until the USA and UK (brothers in infamy!) removed it for reasons of oil. Saudi's unpopular dictatorship is actually armed and supported by the West. Many Saudis live in the UK where they agitate for more democracy in Saudi. Our free loving country has clamped down on them to please as oil friends in Saudi.

Again, thanks for the comments....


Jeanne-Vida Douglas

hi there,

first up, thanks for your site, it is tremendously interesting

KryssTal Reply: Thank you very much - I have tried to put a lot of work into it. The only previous correspondant was pro-Sharon and pro-Pinochet.

secondly, I am trying to piece together a story regarding Net Censorship, and given the general themes of your site I though you maight be interested in commenting. I am also trying to get comments from people like Michael Albert from Z magazine.

KryssTal Reply: Z Magazine is excellent. O for more investigative journalism.

I also wanted to find out if you have come under any pressure since the Sept 11 [2001], and subsequent deluge of "war on terrorism" propaganda. I know a lot of the search engines such as yahoo began to sever links to sites sympathetic to (broadly speaking) Arab, Islamic or Palestinian sources, and I was wondering whether you had been affected in any way.

KryssTal Reply: I have never liked Yahoo since they took over the web ring. My site is new so the number of hits is still small but I have found links on various alternative news sites

. Are people actively seeking alternative news sources? Have you noticed an increase in hits to the site? Or is there a sign of a migration to the commercial media?

KryssTal Reply: I do not have enough information to answer that.

Describe the mood amongst independent media sources, are journalists self censoring over the role of US foreign policy in the attack? Have you seen any overt attempts to gag online media sources critical of the US government?

KryssTal Reply: I have not noticed anything online. In the UK, even the BBC tows tha party line. No mention has been made of the 4000 civilian deaths in Afghanistan. Only the Independent newspaper covers aspects like this.

And what is the role of the Internet in terms of the dissemination, do you think it can be controlled? What would be the consequences of such a move?

KryssTal Reply: Murdoch has attempted to censor the internet for the China market. The internet is irrelevant. Most people in the world do not even have telephones. It's the tabloids that most people read. Control them and you control much opinion.

As I said, I would really appreciate it if either of you could answer these questions and email the responses back to me. If there are any points I am missing, or anything you would like to add please do so. On the other hand if you are unable to participate in the article – I totally understand, however, I ask that you send me a quick email saying as much so that I am not waiting needlessly for a response. If you are concerned regarding the story - I am happy to let you read it before it goes to print (or rather before it goes online).

KryssTal Reply: I would be happy to read anything you send me.

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