The Acts of the Democracies




Israel and Palestine

Israel and the PLO sign a peace agreement. Palestinians are given limited self rule in selected areas but Israel retains the right to control 145 settlements (colonies), 128 of them armed, with thousands of troops.

Under the Agreement, the West Bank (the occupied territories minus Gaza) would be divided into three areas:

The city of Hebron was to be split into two. 20% of the city (including the best commercial areas) would be reserved for the 450 heavily armed Jewish settlers. The remaining 80% would be for the 130,000 Palestinians, who are often subject to curfews and restrictions of movement.

Between 1992 (when Yitzak Rabin was elected Prime Minister of Israel) and 1995, the settler (colonist) population in the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights (but not including East Jerusalem) increased from 78,400 to 136,000. Land for the building of settlements is confiscated from the Palestinians.

Israeli policy in the West Bank was splitting the Arab areas into cantons criss-crossed by Jewish-only settlements and their Jewish-only access roads. This, and the need for Palestinians to hold and show passes leads Tanya Reinhart, a professor from Tel Aviv University, to compare the situation in the occupied territories to apartheid in South Africa.

The USA vetoes a United Nations resolution confirming that the expropriation of land by Israel in East Jerusalem is invalid and in violation of United Nations resolutions and the Geneva Convention.

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