The English Language

Borrowed Words From

One Word Listed

Zuni Language Notes

Zuni is a language spoken in Mexico.

Apache enemy Originally a North American people. Now a helicopter.

[Borrowed Words (Zulu)] [Borrowed Words (Afrikaans)]

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A Macro-Chibchan language spoken along the Atlantic coast of Panama in Central America.

A Mayan language spoken in Southern Mexico and Guatemala.

An Uto-Aztecan language spoken in Mexico and Central America.

A short history of the world's most widespread language from its Anglo Saxon origins via Norman and Latin influences to Modern English.

There are over 100 language families in the world. This section looks at some of them including Nilo-Saharan, Koisan, Eskimo-Aleut, Iroquoian, Uto-Aztecan, Mayan, and Independent languages which are unrelated to others.
