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Description |
Year Taken |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Church of Mary Magdalene |
The interior. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Church of Mary Magdalene |
The altar. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Church of Mary Magdalene |
The painted ceiling. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Church of Mary Magdalene |
Icon. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Church of Mary Magdalene |
Tribute to the Romanov royal family killed during the Russian Revolution. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Church of Mary Magdalene |
Rasputin. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Church of Mary Magdalene |
View of the walls of the Old City and the Dome of the Rock. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Many streets on the Mount of Olives are narrow, steep and walled. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Gethsemene |
The Garden of Gethsemene. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Gethsemene |
Christians believe that Jesus agonised in the garden just before his arrest by the Romans. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Gethsemene |
Priest. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Gethsemene |
View of the Old City. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Gethsemene |
The Garden of Gethsemene and the Church of All Nations (The Basilica of the Agony). |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
The Basillica of the Agony. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
Mosaic over the classical entrance. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
Two deer. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basillica of the Agony |
The Basillica dates from 1924 and is set in the Garden of Gethsemene. It is Roman Catholic. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
Bell tower. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
Jesus agonising. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
The interior. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basillica of the Agony |
The rock where Christians believe Jesus agonised and prayed while his disciples slept. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
Nuns praying at the rock. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
Mosaic depicting Jesus on the rock praying before his arrest. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
Mosaic showing Judas betraying Jesus (with a kiss) to the Romans. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
Star covered domes and intricate windows. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
Window. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
The domes. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Basilica of the Agony |
The dome has stars representing the night prayer. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Tomb of the Virgin |
The upper level of the Tomb of the Virgin. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Tomb of the Virgin |
The lower level Crusader Tomb dates from 1130. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Tomb of the Virgin |
The tomb is Greek-Armenian Orthodox. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Tomb of the Virgin |
The tomb is holy to both Christians and Muslims. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount of Olives |
Tomb of the Virgin |
View of the Church of Mary Magdalene over the domes of the Basillica of the Agony. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Kidron Valley |
The Kidron Valley is between the Mount of Olives and the Old City. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Kidron Valley |
The valley has many tombs carved from solid rock. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Kidron Valley |
The 1st century Jewish tomb of Absalom. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Kidron Valley |
The tomb of Zeccariah. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Kidron Valley |
Cave style tomb with Hellenic elements. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Kidron Valley |
The Valley of Jehosephat and the Old City from the Kidron Valley. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Kidron Valley |
The Al-Aksa Mosque high above the Kidron Valley. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Kidron Valley |
Holocaust Memorial. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Al Eizariya |
The suburb of Al Eizariya is the Biblical Bethany. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Al Eizariya |
The Church of Lazarus marks the site of the tomb of Lazarus. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
East Jerusalem is Arabic in culture and has its own transport system. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Arab taxis and shops in East Jerusalem outside Damascus Gate. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
View of hilly East Jerusalem from the Old City. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Mount Zion is a hill to the South of the Old City, also known as the City of David. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Tomb of King David |
The Tomb of King David is inside a later Crusader complex. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Tomb of King David |
The courtyard entrance. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Tomb of King David |
Cloisters. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Tomb of King David |
A minaret overlooks the cloisters. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Tomb of King David |
The interior of the Crusader complex. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Tomb of King David |
The Tomb of David in 1986. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Tomb of King David |
The Tomb of David in 2019. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Tomb of King David |
Orthodox Jews praying at the tomb. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Tomb of King David |
Women praying in a separate section. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Synagogue of Mount Zion. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Church, belltower and minaret from the roof of the Crusader complex housing the Tomb of David and the Room of the Last Supper. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Room of the Last Supper |
The Room of the Last Supper is set in the same complex as the Tomb of King David. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Room of the Last Supper |
The room is on the upper level of a Crusader building. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Room of the Last Supper |
The Room of the Last Supper is a Crusader chamber that was a 4th century church. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Room of the Last Supper |
Stained glass window. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Room of the Last Supper |
The church became a mosque during the Ottoman era. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Room of the Last Supper |
Visitors in front of the Islamic mihrab (prayer niche). |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Room of the Last Supper |
Arabic plaque from the Ottoman era. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
The Hollocaust Memorial. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The Abbey of the Dormition dominates Mount Zion. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The main dome viewed from a nearby Crusader complex. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The belltower is far from the church so as its shadow does not pass over the nearby Tomb of David. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The abbey was established in the 6th century but the modern building dates from 1910. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The carved stone entrance. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The courtyard. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The Abbey of the Dormition is on the site that Christians believe Jesus' mother Mary died. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The church is German Protestant and is famous for its mosaics. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Mosaic of the Nativity with the Three Wise Men. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The church is run by Benedictines. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The church has mosaics in its side chapels as well as a large floor mosaic. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Detail of a mosaic of a lamb and the flag of St George. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The floor mosaics include the signs of the Zodiac (Aries). |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Pisces. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Virgo. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Floor mosaic of the Apostle, Simon and two Old Testament Prophets (Habakuk and Jeremiah). |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Floor mosaic of the Apostle, John and the Old Testament books of Joel and Daniel. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Mosaics of the Virgin Mary over a side chapel. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Mosaic of John the Baptist. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Mosaic of Apostles. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The Crypt. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Statue of the dead Virgin Mary in the crypt. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Mosaic of the Madonna from Mexico. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Several icons including a Black Madonna. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
The Black Madonna. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Mosaics in the crypt. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Wall mosaics in the crypt above arches. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Abbey of the Dormition |
Detail of a wall mosaic. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Christian Cemetary |
The Christian Cemetary is on a slope of Mount Zion just outside the walled Old City. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Christian Cemetary |
The cemetary is on several levels. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Christian Cemetary |
Grave with black stone. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Christian Cemetary |
Wall graves. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Christian Cemetary |
Many Palestinians are Christian. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Mount Zion |
Christian Cemetary |
Graves of Arab Christians. |
2019 |