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Description |
Year Taken |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of Christ's Prison |
Christians believe that this is where Jesus was held prisoner before his Crucifiction. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of Christ's Prison |
The prison cell. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of Christ's Prison |
The main church area. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of Christ's Prison |
Sign in Greek, Russian and English. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Visitors walking along the Via Dolorosa. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 3 |
Plaque for Station 3 where Jesus fell for the first time. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 3 |
Station 3 is a small Armenian Catholic chapel. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 3 |
A Crown of thorns surrounding the Catholic symbol of Peter and the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 3 |
Statue of the fallen Christ. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 4 |
Station 4 is where Jesus is said to have met his mother. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 4 |
The entrance to the Armenian Catholic complex that is Station 4. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 4 |
The entrance to the church in 2019. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 4 |
The church in 1986 |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 4 |
Relief of Jesus and his mother. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 4 |
Memorial for the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 4 |
The interior. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 4 |
Painting from Spain. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
The Via Dolorosa passes through market stalls. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 5 |
Station 5 represents the spot where the Romans ordered Simon the Cyrene to carry the cross for Jesus after he stumbled. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 5 |
The Chapel of Simon the Cyrene. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 5 |
Christians believe that this is Jesus' handprint on the wall when he stumbled. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 5 |
Pilgrim touching the hand print. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Narrow passageway. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 6 |
Station 6 is where Veronica wiped the brow of Jesus with a cloth. The cloth is said to show an image of Christ. Veronica ("Vera Icona") is Latin for "True Image". |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 6 |
Station 6 is marked by a door. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Souveneer shops. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Starion 7 |
The seventh Station is in the middle of a bazaar. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 7 |
Station 7 is the location of Jesus' second fall. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Painted and decorated cloth for sale. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 8 |
Station 8 is where Jesus is supposed to have told a group of women to cry for themselves and not for him. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
An Armenian Orthodox church near Golgotha, the site of the crucifiction. The Via Dolorosa ends in the Christian Quarter |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Crucifix. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Souveneer shop. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 9 |
Station 9 is in St Helen Coptic Church marking the point where Jesus fell for the third time. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 9 |
The Coptic church is Egyptian Orthodox. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Station 9 |
The courtyard of St Helen Coptic Church. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Lutheran church. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Religious market. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
The Via Dolorosa sign is written in Hebrew, Arabic and English. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in 2019 with many visitors. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The remaining Stations of the Cross (10 to 14) are within the Church. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The church dates from 335 and is the holiest site of Christianity as it marks the location of the Crucifixion. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The church was built over a Temple of Venus from dating from 135. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The church is run by several denominations of Christianity. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The courtyard is overlooked by a minaret. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Crosses carried by pilgrims along the Via Dolorosa. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Pilgrims. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepelchre |
Stone windows. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Orthodox priest. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The courtyard in front of the church. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Carved stone work. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Byzantine style columns. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The keys to the Church are held by two Muslim familes because of rivalry between the different denominations running the Church. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The inside of the church features many chapels each run by a different denomination of Christianity. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The Greek Orthodox Catholicon Chapel. During the Crusader period, it housed tombs of the Crusader Kings. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The church has been added to over time. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The church is on several levels. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Stairs to the upper level and Stations 10 to 12. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The ceiling mosaics over Station 10, where Jesus was stripped of his garments. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Station 11 is a Roman Catholic chapel. It marks the place where Jesus was nailed to the Cross. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Mosaic of Jesus being nailed to the Cross. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The Greek Orthodox chapel marks the traditional spot of the Crucifiction and is Station 12. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The traditional spot of the Crucifiction on the hill of Golgotha is beneath the altar. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The Greek Orthodox chapel has many beautiful lamps and a ceiling covered with paintings. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Priest collecting the candels. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Mosaic of women at Golgotha. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The spot where Jesus's body was taken off the Cross and given to his mother. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Mosaic of Jesus being brought down from the Cross. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Celing mosaics. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Lighting candles. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The Armenian Chapel of Helen. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Statue showing Helen, mother of Emperor Constantine, finding the "True Cross". |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Mosaic with Armenian inscription. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Detail of the floor mosaic in the Chapel of Helena. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Side view of the Chapel of Helen. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Side chapel. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Mosaic of Abraham binding Isaac, an Old Testament story. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The Syriac Chapel. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Stairs to the underground level. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The painted dome. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The complex contains many chapels, some underground. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Lamps. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The Stone of Unction is Station 13. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Christians believe Jesus's body was laid on the Stone of Unction to be annointed before burial. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Pilgrims touching the Stone of Unction. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
The large lamps above the Stone of Unction. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Detail of lamps. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Mosaic of Jesus being annointed and wrapped in cloth for burial. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Station 14 (the last one) is the domed Tomb of Jesus Christ, within a larger chamber. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Mosaic of Jesus being buried. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Via Dolorosa |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
Pilgrims visiting the Tomb of Jesus Christ. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Jewish Quarter |
Western Wall |
The Western Wall, also known as as the Waiting Wall. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Jewish Quarter |
Western Wall |
The Western Wall is the remains of two temples built by Solomon (destroyed by the Babylonians) and by Herod (destroyed by the Romans in 70). |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Jewish Quarter |
Western Wall |
The Western (Wailing) Wall is the holiest site of Judaism. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Jewish Quarter |
Western Wall |
Jews pray facing the wall. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Jewish Quarter |
Western Wall |
Prayers are written on paper and placed in cracks in the wall. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Jewish Quarter |
Western Wall |
A group of men at prayer. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Jewish Quarter |
Western Wall |
Contemplation. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Jewish Quarter |
Western Wall |
A group of Jewish pilgrims. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
East Jerusalem |
Jerusalem |
Jewish Quarter |
Western Wall |
Orthodox Hassidic Jewish man. |
2019 |