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Site OR Event |
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Description |
Year Taken |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
The entrance to a water system built by King Ahab c 900 BCE. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
King Ahab's water system is 60m deep and 120m long. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Sea of Galilee |
The Sea of Galilee in northern Israel. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Sea of Galilee |
Galilee is an inland sea. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Church of the Beatitudes |
The octagonal Church of the Beatitudes was built in 1933 by Mussolini. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Church of the Beatitudes |
The interior. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Church of the Beatitudes |
View of the Sea of Galilee from the church. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Church of the Beatitudes |
The beatitudes in Latin. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Copernaum |
Copernaum is a 2nd century BCE city that is the scene of many miracles by Jesus. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Copernaum |
The site of many of the parables of Jesus. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Copernaum |
The synagogue where Jesus taught. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Israeli children from an Iraqi Jewish family on a boat. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Taghba |
The basalt church at Taghba marks the spot where Jesus appeared after his ressurection. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Taghba |
Taghba is an oasis. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Taghba |
Stained glass window. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Taghba |
Rock on which Jesus dined with his disciples. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Statue showing Jesus blessing Peter. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Modern (1982) Byzantine style church on the site of the feeding of the 5000. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
5th century mosaic of a fish and two loaves by the Sea of Galilee. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
View around Galilee. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Fields. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Tiberius |
Tiberius by the Sea of Galilee is a city of contrasts. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Tiberius |
4th century mosaic of a Jewish Torah and two menoras. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Tiberius |
The tomb of Rabbi Me'ir Ba'al Hanes, a second century teacher. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Tiberius |
The tomb of Rabbi Maimon (died 1204) who was Saladin's personal physician. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Tiberius |
The Monastery of St Peter, built in the 12th century by the Crusaders. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Tiberius |
Greek mosaic of Helios, the Sun god, and the signs of the Zodiac, 4th century. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Safed |
The Arc of the Covenant in the 19th century Ha'ari Synagogue in Safed. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Galilee |
Safed |
The old Arab quarter of Safed is now an artists' colony. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Baram |
2nd century synagogue. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Baram |
Maronite church in Baram, a town abandoned by its Christian Arab population when the state of Israel was created in 1948. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Baram |
Baram Kibutz is close to the border with Lebanon. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
The borders of Israel, Syria and Lebanon meet close to this point. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
Ban Yas near the border with Lebanon is the source of the River Jordan. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
The Golan Heights. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
The Golan Heights is in the Northern part of Israel. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
Golan was part of Syria until 1967. The territory was annexed by Israel in 1982. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
The region is mainly Druze. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
Bombed houses. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
Abandoned Druze mosque. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
Deserted Syrian orthodox church. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
The Hula valley. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
Ain Qunya |
The Druze village of Ain Qunya. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
Ain Qunya |
The Druze villagers were forced to accept Israeli citizenship or leave. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
Druze shepherd. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Golan Heights |
Golan |
War bunker. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The port city of Acre. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Acre in northern Israel is a mainly Arab city. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The city from the marina. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The 18th century sea walls. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The sea walls with a church. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The marina. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
View from the sea. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Fishermen. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Israeli fisherman. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
People by the sea. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Boats. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The Muslim quarter. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The walls of Acre. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The old city. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The market. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
View from the 18th century walls. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Mosque of Ahmed Jezzar |
The Mosque of Ahmed Jezzar dates from 1781. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Mosque of Ahmed Jezzar |
Fountain in the courtyard. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Mosque of Ahmed Jezzar |
Decorated exterior. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Mosque of Ahmed Jezzar |
The inside decoration of the 18th century mosque. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Mosque of Ahmed Jezzar |
Signature of an Ottoman sultan. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
View across the city. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Streets in the souk. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
A group of men. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The Khan el Umden is an Ottoman caravanserai built on the site of a crusader monastery. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Lighthouse. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The old city. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Underground City |
The underground city. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Underground City |
The underground Crusader city was built by the Knights of St John. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Underground City |
Carved slab. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Underground City |
Crusader architecture. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Lohamei Hagetaot |
Lohamei Hagetaot is a kibutz museum built by survivers from Eastern European concentration camps. This ia a model of Treblina. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
Lohamei Hagetaot |
Lithuanian synagogues. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
The beach at Acre. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Acre |
View out to sea. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
Haifa is on the slopes of Mount Carmel. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
Haifa is a modern city but was once ruled by Richard The Lionheart and Saladin. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
The Carmelite Railway slopes up the hill. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
Tomb of Baha'u'llah |
Shrine dedicated to the founder of the Bahai faith who was executed in 1850. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
Tomb of Baha'u'llah |
The tomb is set in a Persian garden. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
Tomb of Baha'u'llah |
The Bahai faith preaches that all religion is progressive and accepts all prophets. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
Tomb of Baha'u'llah |
View of the sea from Mount Carmel. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
View of the city. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
Street scene. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
Carmelite Monastery |
The Carmelite Monastery was founded in 1150 and is dedicated to the prophets Elisha and Elijah. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
Carmelite Monastery |
Stained glass window. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Haifa |
Carmelite Monastery |
The painted interior. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Caeserea |
The ruins of Caeserea by the sea. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Caeserea |
Caeserea is named after the Roman Emperor Augustus. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Caeserea |
Caeserea was founded as a port by the Phonoecians in the 4th century BCE. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Caeserea |
The city was Greek from 323 BCE and was rebuilt by Herod The Great in 22 BCE. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Caeserea |
The amphitheatre is a city built by Herod The Great in honour of the emperor Augustus. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Caeserea |
The Crusader walls were built by Louis IX. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Caeserea |
The Crusader walls date from 1254. |
1986 |