Country |
Province State |
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Site OR Event |
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Description |
Year Taken |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
The Earthen ramp built by the Romans to breach Masada. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
The Ramp took several months to construct. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
The Columbarium Tower was used for raising doves and pigeons. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
Western Palace. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
Part of the walls. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
The Western palace is still being excavated. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
Visiting school children. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
View from the fortress. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
The Dead Sea valley is the lowest point on the Earth's surface. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
View of the Dead Sea from the fortress of Masada. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
View of the Southern end of the Dead Sea from Masada. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
One of the many scructures at the top. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
Visitors. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
The cable car travels 900m from 257m below sea level to 33m above sea level. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
People in the cable car. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Dead Sea |
Masada |
Roman encampment at the foot of the site. |
2019 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
The West Bank city of Al-Halil (The Friend) known to the Israelis as Hebron. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Harem-el-Halil |
The Harem-el-Halil was built by Herod and extended by the Arabs and Crusaders. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Harem-el-Halil |
Harem-el-Halil contains the tomb of Abraham and other patriarchs in Hebron. This is a holy site for Jews, Christians and Muslims. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Harem-el-Halil |
The decorated interior. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Harem-el-Halil |
Two of the tombs. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
The old city is mainly Arab. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Shoe shop. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Street scene. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Street scene. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
A temple on Mount Gerizim. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Desert scenery outside Hebron. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Bani Naim |
The village of Bani Naim, traditional birthplace of the Biblical character, Lot. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Bani Naim |
Bani Naim is a Palestinian village. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Bani Naim |
Palestinian brothers. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Bani Naim |
View of the village. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Bani Naim |
Lot's Tomb. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Hebron |
Bani Naim |
Samaria. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Nablus |
The West Bank city of Nablus. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Nablus |
Nablus is set in a desert hilly landscape. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Nablus |
The name Nablus comes from the Greek Neapolis (New City). |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Nablus |
The city was founded by Roman Emperor, Titus is 72. It has been ruled by Samaritans, Christians, Arabs and the Ottomans. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Nablus |
The city has been occupied by Israel since 1967 and is a centre of Palestinian resistance. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Nablus |
Jacob's Well. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Nablus |
View from Mount Gerizim. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Nablus |
Mount Gerizim is the scene of the Samaritan Passover celebrations. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Dahish |
Dahish is one many Palestinian refugee camps dating from 1948 when the state of Israel was created. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Dahish |
Street scene in the refugee camp. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Dahish |
Two workers. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Dahish |
The camp is run down. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Dahish |
Children. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Dahish |
Palestinian man. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Dahish |
Schoolboy. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Dahish |
Extending a house. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Dahish |
Israeli soldiers at the camp entrance. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Sabastiya |
Sabastiya is the site of Samaria, the capital of Israel between 880 BCE and 721 BCE. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Sabastiya |
After 700 BCE this region was inhabited by Samaritans. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Sabastiya |
The ruins of Herod's town, destroyed by the Romans in 68. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Sabastiya |
Later Graeco-Roman structure. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Sabastiya |
Israelite wall from 800 BCE. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Sabastiya |
The mosque of Sabastiya. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Sabastiya |
The mosque was once a 4th century church. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Sabastiya |
The minaret. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Sabastiya |
The tombs of Prophets Elishah and Obidiah. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
West Bank |
Sabastiya |
The ruins are set in arid landscape. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
El Nasir (Nazareth) is an Arab city in the north of Israel. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
Church of the Annunciation |
The Church of the Annunciation. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
Church of the Annunciation |
The Church of the Annunciation was built in 1969 on the site of four earlier churches. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
Church of the Annunciation |
The interior contains paintings from around the world, like this one from Ukraine. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
Church of the Annunciation |
Thai painting. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
Church of the Annunciation |
Painting from China. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
Church of the Annunciation |
Painting from Korea. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
Church of the Annunciation |
The interior. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
Group of men. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
St Gabriel's Church dates from the 17th century and is Greek Catholic. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
The Convent of the Sisters of Nazareth. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Nazareth |
The Synagogue Church. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Cana |
A group of churches in the village of Cana where Christains believe Jesus performed his first miracle. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Cana |
Typical architecture in Cana. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Cana |
The Franciscan church marks where Jesus turned water into wine. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Cana |
Confession booth. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Tel El-Husa |
Tel El-Husa is one of the many archeological sites in the Jezreel Valley. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Tel El-Husa |
Canaanite temples dating from 1500 BCE. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Tel El-Husa |
The Canaanite city gate. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Bet Alfa is a kibutz with a 6th century mosaic from a synagogue in its grounds. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Bet Shearim |
Entrance to the Jewish necropolis cut into a hillside at Bet Shearim. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Bet Shearim |
Underground tombs. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Bet Shearim |
Carved menoras, a symbol of Judaism. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Bet Shearim |
Carved sarcophagus. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Bet Shearim |
Animal carving on a tomb. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Bet Shearim |
Bull and eagle. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Bet Shearim |
Stone entrance. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
Bet Shearim |
Stone steps leading to tombs. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Jezreel Valley |
The Greek-Roman amphitheatre at Bet She'an. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
Har Megiddo is a hill first settled by the Canaanites in 4000 BCE. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
The name Har Megiddo has been corrupted to "Armageddon". |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
Solomon's palace dates from 1000 BCE. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
Horse feeding troughs for Solomon's stables. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
Circular Canaanite temple. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
Circular Canaanite shrine dating from around 1900 BCE. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
Har Megiddo is set on a hill. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
Jews believe that Armageddon is the place of the final battle before Judgement Day. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
The East Temple is a Canaanite forerunner of a synagogue dating from 1900 BCE. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
Solomon's stables. |
1986 |
Israel / Palestine |
Israel |
Har Megiddo |
Grain silo dating from 8th century BCE. |
1986 |